Chapter 10

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Next Morning.

We're currently on our way to the Seavey household. Not gonna lie I'm nervous to meet them. I heard so much about them.

Daniel: you Don't have to be nervous, they're gonna love you.
Y/N: i really hope so
Daniel: just trust me they are even if they don't l'Il still be by your side
Y/N: thanks baby
Both: i love you
*you both smile and gave a quick kiss*

We got to his parent's house and I'm really anxious but I want to get this out of the way.

Daniel: you ready?
Y/N: Im ready
*Daniel knocks and someone slowly opens the door*
??: DANIEL! You're here
Daniel: hey, Anna.
*they hugged*
Daniel: Anna this is my beautiful girlfriend Y/N Amaro. Baby this is my sister Anna
Anna: so this is girl that's making my brother happy
Y/N: it's nice to finally meet you
*you guys hugged*
Anna: come in. Mom and dad are in the kitchen and Christian and Tyler are in the back
*she steps aside and you guys walked to the kitchen*
??: hey man.
??: so who's this lovely girl you bought over?
Daniel: mom dad, this is my beautiful girlfriend Y/N Amaro
Y/N: it's nice to meet Mr. and Mrs. Seavey
Keri: please call me Keri
Jeff: call me Jeff, you're part of the family now
Y/N: well then it's nice to meet you Keri and Jeff
*Christian and Tyler comes in*
??: look who finally came over
Daniel: Im always coming over. You just never see me.
??: so who's this?
Daniel: this is Y/N Amaro. Baby this is Christian and Tyler
Christian: your girlfriend?
Tyler: wow you hit the jackpot brother
*they shake your hand*
Y/N: it's nice to meet you both

A few minutes later.

We talked and got to know each other. The boys were in the living room and we were outside. Keri showed me pictures of Daniel when he was little. I just kept touching my stomach. I hope our baby have his features.

Keri: I've been pregnant 4 times and I could tell when someone is pregnant
*she looks at you*
Anna: does Daniel know?
Y/N: no he doesnt Im planning on telling him on New Years
Keri: Imma be grandma soon
Y/N: promise me you girls won't say anything to Daniel
Anna: can we tell the boys?
Y/N: i Don't want them to know until Daniel knows first
Keri: that's good because my sons and Jeff can't keep anything
*we all laughed and went inside*

We joined the boys and went to go eat.

A few hours later.

It was already late at night and we decided to go home.

Y/N: thank you for having me
Daniel: she's was nervous and thought you guys weren't gonna like her
Christian: well she's right we don't like her
Anna: we love her. Maybe we Can have a girls day soon?
Y/N: that'll be amazing
Keri: thank you for bring happiness to my son
*you smiled and walked out*

We were on our way to the house. We stopped by to get food because I got hungry.

Daniel: we ate not that long ago and your hungry
Y/N: Im sorry i just want something to munch on
Daniel: okay we'll get something to eat

We got something to eat and headed home. After a while, we finally got home and I finished my snacks. We got to the room and went to sleep.

New Years Eve.

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