Chapter 21

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2 months later.

Oliver is now 2 months old and we're currently hanging out with Chelsey at her house. Nezza and Franny are also here with us. We're filming a video for both of their channels while Oliver is with his uncles. For Nezza's channel, we are going to be learning a couple of dances and for Franny's channel, we are going to be baking a cake.

A few hours later.

We finished filming for both of their channels and now we are waiting for our postmates to get her. While we're waiting for it to come, I was feeding Oliver.

Chelsey: so when are you leaving?
Nezza: you're leaving?
Y/N: yeah Im going with Daniel
Franny: that's cool. Where you guys going?
Chelsey: wait isn't he touring?
Y/N: he's touring in England
Nezza: is Oliver going with you?
Y/N: yeah he is. I made an appointment for him
tomorrow to see if he can fly out
Chelsey: hopefully he can
Franny: if he can't, who's gonna take care of him?
Nezza: Can we take care if him?
Y/N: well his parents and Chelsey might take care of him
Chelsey: we're gonna be taking turns

A few minutes later.

Our food finally arrived and we started to eat. I put Oliver down since he fell asleep in my arms.

1 month later.

Oliver's doctor cleared him up for traveling. Right now we are on our way to pick up Daniel and the boys at the airport. After a while, we got to the airport and waited for them in the car. Daniel texted me saying that he's taking pictures with limelights and will be out any minute. Oliver has been sleeping on his way over. After New Years we will be going to England and everyone is going to know Oliver.

A few minutes later.

I saw Daniel coming and i got out and run into his arms.

Y/N: Daniel!
Daniel: Y/N! Where's Oliver?
Y/N: he's in the car sleeping
Zach: it's nice to see you too
Y/N: Ohh Im sorry. How was your flight?
Jonah: it was good

We got to the car and they put their things in the trunk. Daniel wanted to drive but I told him to relax and I'll drive.

Y/N: do you guys want to get food or do you want to get home?
Corbyn: let's get food first then home
Y/N: alright then where do you guys want to eat?
Zach: let's go to *random restaurant*
Jack: they have some good food there
Daniel: you sure you don't want me to drive
Y/N: just relax maybe take a nap
Daniel: i don't want to take a nap, I want to see my beautiful girl
*you guys kissed*
Zach: get a room you too

We went to the restaurant Zach suggested to go to and headed to their house. After a while, we go there and they got their things to their rooms. They came down and began to eat while I was feeding Oliver.

Y/N: so how was tour?
Jonah: it was amazing
Daniel: you both are going to love it when we go to England
Zach: you guys are coming, right?
Y/N: the doctor cleared Oliver for travel
Jack: that's good
Corbyn: are you excited to go?
Y/N: excited but also nervous
Zach: why you nervous?
Daniel: we're going to introduce Oliver to everyone
Jonah: are you guys ready for that?
Y/N: it's gonna be hard to hide him from your limelights
Daniel: she got caught once but Chelsey answered for her saying it was their nephew
Y/N: yeah and i wanted to say he's my kid but I wanted to do it with Daniel
Corbyn: well we're here for you guys

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