Chapter 24

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Everyone: 5... NEW YEAR

Glasses of champagne clinging and everyone hugging each other. Daniel, Christian, Tyler and the boys brought confetti bombs and popped them. They ended up waking up Oliver and Chelsey went to go get him.

A few minutes later.

We were having fun before we go home. We were dancing until Daniel made Crawford stop the music. He had a mic with him.

Daniel: can I have all of your attention?
*everyone looks at him*
Daniel: Y/N and I have something to tell you guys
*you go next to him*
Keri: is it something bad?
Y/N: we actually have some news to tell you guys
Chelsey: what is it?
Daniel: Y/N is no longer my girlfriend
Zach: what you do this time, Daniel?
Jack: why are you messing up your relationship with her
Christian: at this point I don't even want to be related to you
Anna: just let them talk
Y/N: thank you Anna
Daniel: to answer Zach's question, this time I proposed
*everyone screams "WHAT"*
Y/N: we're engaged

Everyone started cheering and congratulating you both for your engagement.

Corbyn: how long have you been engaged?
Daniel: i proposed on our 1 year anniversary
Chelsey: you kept it that long from me, your sister!
Keri: I'm happy for you both
Jeff: welcome to the family, Y/N
Tyler: well not yet until she walks down that path and says yes
Y/N: of course imma say yes
Myta: congratulations on your engagement
Christian: cheers to the engagement of my brother and soon to be sister in law
*everyone cheers and finished their drinks*
Syd: let's get this party started again

We all started to dance and have fun.

2 hours later.

We ended the party early since our flight is a couple of hours. We went home and went straight to bed to sleep. Our flight is at 6am but we have to be there by 5. I put Oliver in his crib he slept the whole way home.

Next Morning.

It's 4am and we barely woke up. I had to wake up Oliver to give him a bath. After his bath, I changed him into a onesie *swipe to see his outfit*. Daniel was getting ready the same time i was getting Oliver ready.

After a while, I took a quick shower since we only have 30 minutes left before we have to head out. I changed into a cropped top with an oversized flannel and a messy bun and shorts *swipe to see the outfit*. We had everything packed 2 days ago.

Daniel: you ready to go?
Y/N: do you have the suitcases in the car?
Daniel: they're all in there and the boys are here as well
Y/N: alright then let's go

Went downstairs and I greeted the boys. After a while, we arrived at the airport. We did everything we had to do until our flight was called. We made our way to the airplane and off we go to England.

A few hours later.

We arrived at London. Right away the boys were greeted by limelights. Jon had to help me hide from them so we went the opposite way. Luckily no one has seen us pass by them. Jon and I went to get our stuffs and waited for the boys at the car.

A few minutes later.

The boys finally came and put their suitcases in the trunk. Oliver fell asleep while waiting for them. Daniel sat next to me and rested his head on my shoulder.

Y/N: took you guys a while
Daniel: they didn't want to let us go
Jonah: it takes a while to get away from them
Corbyn: but we love being greeted by them when we arrive
Jon: we're going to the hotel, have you guys checked in, and you're gonna have a rest and we'll end the day with dinner and tomorrow early morning we're doing a sound check
Jonah: sounds good
Zach: i just want to lay down

A few minutes later.

We got to the hotel and got settled in. I put Oliver in the bed and out pillows around him just in case he want to roll over while sleeping and ends up falling off the bed.

Daniel: are you going to go with us to sound check?
Y/N: no i think imma stay here and maybe explore London for a while
Daniel: are you sure?
Y/N: just let me know when it's time
Daniel: I'll come get you but right now let's get some rest
*he lays down next to Oliver*
Y/N: I'll be there in a sec
Daniel: where you going?
Y/N: i just need to use the restroom
Daniel: Don't take long
Y/N: i won't

After a while, I went back into the room and I saw both of my boys sleeping. I love seeing this. It makes me happy knowing I did the right decision on dating him. I took off my shoes and laid down next Oliver.

A couple of hours later.

We heard a loud bang on the door that woke us up. I got up to see who it was and it was Zach. I open up the door.

Y/N: whats up?
Zach: sorry if I was interrupting something but Jon is calling us to go get dinner and we're leaving in a few minutes
Daniel: we'll be down in a sec

Zach leaves and I closed the door behind him. I felt Daniel's hands on my waist and pulling me close to his torso.

Daniel: being in England with the love of my life is just what I needed
Y/N: well I'm glad you invited me to come with
Daniel: i Don't think I can do long distance relationship and being thousands of miles from my baby boy
Y/N: you're cute. you know that, right?
Daniel: yes i know but you want to know who's the most beautiful girl in the world?
Y/N: well there's a lot of them
Daniel: but you're the only one in my list
*you guys start kissing each other*

Without breaking the kiss, he lifts me up and puts me on the counter but before anything else happened, Oliver woke up crying.

Y/N: and your son is up
*you went to go pick up Oliver*
Daniel: we should get going too but we ain't finished yet
Y/N: okay lover boy
*you guys did a quick kiss and left the room*

A few minutes later.

We got to a buffet that was close by and we began to talk and Oliver got comfortable with Jon. They only meet once but that's it. After a while, Daniel and I went back to the hotel room while the rest went out to explore London for a while. I was playing with Oliver while Daniel picks out a movie for us to watch.

Y/N: found one, yet?
Daniel: you want to watch secret obsesión?
Y/N: ive been wanting to watch it
Daniel: then that's what were watching

He pressed play and we started watching it. After a while, Oliver feel asleep and I was slowly closing my eyes.

A few minutes later.

I ended up closing my eyes half way through the movie.

Daniel's POV:
We were half way through the movie when I saw Y/N closing her eyes. I got a blanket and covered both Oliver and Y/N. I turned off the tv and lights and called it a day.

 I turned off the tv and lights and called it a day

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