Chapter 18

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Next Morning.

Daniel is downstairs playing with Oliver while I'm preparing Oliver's bath. Since last night, I noticed something has been bothering Daniel but I iust don't know what it is. I want to ask but I feel like he's not gonna tell me. I went downstairs to get Oliver to put him in his bath.

Y/N: alright it's bath time for this little guy
*you picked up Oliver*
Daniel: let me help you
Y/N: okay

We went inside the bathroom and Daniel started to remove the clothes from Oliver. I just needed to ask him because it's bothering me not knowing what's bothering him.

Y/N: baby, I need to ask you something but you got to be honest.
Daniel: of course, whats up?
Y/N: whats been bothering? Ever since that call with Corbyn you've been acting strange
Daniel: what do you mean by strange?
*you put Oliver in his tub*
Y/N: i Don't know I feel like something is bothering you but you just don't want to tell me
Daniel: baby there's nothing bothering me
Y/N: are you sure?
Daniel: Im 100 percent sure
Y/N: okay if you say so

I still don't believe him but if he says that nothing is bothering him then I shouldn't be worried. He finishes cleaning Oliver and I went to go pick out an outfit for Oliver. I pick out a striped sweater with a beanie and comfy pants and boots *swipe to see the outfit*. After we finished bathing Oliver, Daniel took a quick shower and I gave food to Oli. Daniel came downstairs and was wearing a white crew neck and black sweats *swipe to see*. He took Oli away from me.

Y/N: i was feeding him
Daniel: Im sorry but you need to get ready so I will take this little guy to the backyard
Y/N: you got to feed him okay?
Daniel: i will
Y/N: okay, i won't take long
*you guys kissed and you went to go take a quick shower*

I finished getting ready. I didn't do much. I'm wearing high waisted jeans with a crew neck and a messy bun *swipe to see* and for makeup I did my eyebrows, put lipstick and lashes. I headed outside and saw that Daniel ended a call.

Daniel's POV:
I took Oli away from Y/N so she can get ready to hang out with my family. She went to go get ready for today. I went outside with Oli and I called my tour manager, Jon, to see if Y/N can come with.

Jon: Daniel! What's up?
Daniel: not much I just need to talk to you
Jon: what can I do for vou?
Daniel: Corbyn told me we're going on tour after the interview in New York
Jon: yeah that's right we leave next Friday
Daniel: i was just wondering if Y/N can come with
Jon: does she want to come along? Or was it your idea? Either way it's fine by me.
Daniel: it was my idea since the day I want to propose is when we go to New York and since that's where I asked her out
Jon: I'm happy for the both of you guys. I'll talk to the rest of the crew and I'll let you know by the end of the day
Daniel: thanks man. Hope to hear from you soon

I ended the call and Y/N came out. She looks beautiful as always. I'm glad she's gonna be the one I get to spend the rest of my life with.

Daniel: woW! Look at vour Oli. She's so beautiful
Y/N: aww thanks babe
Daniel: so no compliments back? I see then
Y/N: you already know you're the most fine ass guys at there but lucky me I get to have you again
Daniel: and Im lucky to have you with me for the second and final time
*you guys kissed*
Y/N: so who were on the phone with?
Daniel: with Jon
Y/N: did you ask him?
Daniel: he said it's fine with him but he has to talk to the rest of the crew
Y/N: Ohh okay anyways we should get going

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