Chapter 5

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Next Morning.

I woke up early for a morning run. I asked Christina if she wanted to come along but she said she's gonna go buy a few things.

Christina: can I have your number so we can meet up later? Imma be gone all day. Maybe we can get dinner.
Y/N: sure.
*we exchanged numbers*
Christina: you have social media?
Y/N: yeah but i don't go on it the last post I made was when I was a freshmen
Christina: here imma go follow myself on your account
Y/N: okay then
*she adds herself and gave our phones back*
Christina: alright see you later
Y/N: have fun shopping
Christina: have fun in your run

I went outside and put my AirPods and started to run.

30 minutes later.

Ive been running for what feels like an hour and I stopped by a coffee shop to rest. I saw so many beautiful things.

A few hours later.

Since I was home alone, I called Chelsey. We started to talking.

Chelsey: I miss you here!
Y/N: i know you do
Chelsey: wow! I was hoping to hear i miss you too
Y/N: i would say but then i be lying
Chelsey: RUDE!
Y/N: Im kidding. I miss you a lot!
Chelsey: made any friends?
Y/N: i met this girl name Christina
Chelsey: whats her last name?
Y/N: i believe she said Harris
Chelsey: Christina Marie Harris?
Y/N: you know her?
Chelsey: she's an influencer
Y/N: really?
Chelsey: you got to go back on social media. You haven't been there for years
Y/N: okay i will. I got to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow
Chelsey: have fun sis

I ended the call. It feels good to hear her voice again. I miss her and my friends so much. It's different without them. I was about to call the girls when Christina calls me.

Christina: where you at?
Y/N: my room, why?
Christina: so my boyfriend is in town but I told him I was "busy" so I can't hangout with.
Y/N; and you want to surprise him
Christina: yeah. So can you help me surprise him?
Y/N: yeah of course. Where do you want to meet?
Christina: I'm already at the door
Y/N: ohh okay just give me 5 minutes to change.
Christina: okay1 just a friend of his to help. They said they're out shopping for shoes
Y/N: so your boyfriend is a shoe addict?
Christina: we can say. Are you done getting ready?
Y/N: getting my bag and now I'm out.

I went outside and saw Christina. I was wearing a cropped shirt with knee ripped jeans and a messy ponytail. We walked to where Christina is gonna surprise her boyfriend since it wasn't far from where we were. We walked in the store and tried our best to not be seen by him. I don't know how he looks, she never showed a picture. When we entered I saw who I believe is Corbyn in there but I'm not sure it's him. He was with someone but I don't recognize him.

Christina: alright we're gonna go to the end of the store and just wait there.
Y/N: i think you should sneak up on him and surprise him
Christina: ohh I like that idea. Can you video this?
Y/N: yeah of course.
Christina: here he comes. Ready?
Y/N: ready.

She popped out from where we were hiding and yelled SURPRISE to Corbyn. So now I know who her boyfriend is. They were hugging and kissing and fell on the ground. When they were done and calmed down, Christina was about to introduce us but Corbyn interrupted her.

Christina: Corbyn this is-
Corbyn: Y/N Amaro. What you doing here?
Y/N:. Im here for university
Christina: you guys know each other?
Y/N: i was his waiter at a coffee shop I worked at
Corbyn: how you been?
Y/N: ive been good.
Corbyn: that's good. Do you girls want to join us for dinner?
Christina: yeah Im starving
Y/N: yeah me too.

We walked to a restaurant that was close by us.
Corbyn said that more people were gonna join us soon. We waited for them to come in before we ordered our food.

Daniel's POV:
It's been months that I've gotten a text back from Y/N. I feel like I did something wrong. Ever since I meet her. I've been feeling like a whole different type of person. It hurts that she hasn't texted or even called me. I wanted to go back to LA to find out but I can't.

Right now we're in New York. I'm almost going home and she'll be the first person I want to see. They boys and I along with Zack our photographer were out shopping. We went our own way. After a while, Corbyn texted us to go to a restaurant for dinner.

Corbyn: hey guys meet us at *restaurant name* for dinner.
Daniel: is it just us?
Jonah: we wouldn't go for dinner if someone is coming along.
Jack: wait, is Christina coming?
Corbyn: Christina and her roommate.
Zach: yo, is she cute?
Corbyn: you'll find out if you come
Daniel: we'll be there in 5

We headed down to the restaurant. As we walked in, I saw her. Is that really her? I haven't seen her since our last FaceTime call. We walked closer and I saw her face expression changed.

Daniel: Y/N? What are you doing here?
*you guys hugged*
Y/N: Daniel! I got accepted to go to a school here
Christina: she's also my roommate
*he sits next to me*
Daniel: how you been?
Y/N: uhm I've been good but also busy. What about you? How's your travels?
Zach: she doesn't know?
*you look at him*
Y/N: know what?
Daniel: uhm we're in a band
Y/N: what? How long?
Jonah: few years
Corbyn: We're about to be 2 years.
Y/N: well that's good for you guys

Your POV:
When I saw Daniel walk in, i just instantly felt butterflies in my stomach. I miss him so much. We all talked and got to know the boys and Christina more. I'm honestly glad that I've meet them. After dinner, Daniel wanted to talk to me.

Daniel: hey, can i talk to you?
Y/N: uhm sure
Daniel: is it okay if we walk around?
Y/N: sure. Christina I might go home late.
Christina: it's okay. Let me know when you get home
Y/N: well do
Christina: make sure she gets home safe
Daniel: i will

 Let me know when you get homeY/N: well doChristina: make sure she gets home safeDaniel: i will

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