Chapter 15

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A few moments later.

Doc: you're gonna have to push harder
Daniel: come on baby you got this
*you started pushing and heard the baby cry*
Doc: there's your baby boy

I saw that Daniel's eye were watery which made me cry. I kept pushing and after a while, he was fully out of me. Daniel and I cut the cord together.

Nurse: here's your baby boy
*you hold him in your arms and cried more*
Y/N: he has your eyes
Daniel: and he has your lips
Doc: alright we gonna take you back to your room and we're gonna have to take your baby for a checkup And he'll be back with you guys in no time

I gave my baby to the nurse *swipe to see* and went back to the room. I got to my room and took a nap.

2 hours later.

I finally woke up from my nap and saw that Daniel was holding our son.

Y/N: look at you becoming a dad
Daniel: look who just woke up. How are you feeling?
Y/N: less tired but I'm good and how's my two loving boys?
Daniel: we are doing good
Y/N: everyone else
Daniel: they went out to get food but they'll be back
Y/N: you haven't told them his name yet
Daniel: i was waiting for you so we Can do it together
Y/N: okay now let me hold my baby
Daniel: alright then here is our baby boy

A few minutes later.

Everyone came back with food for Daniel and I. They all got a chance go hold him. The last person to hold him was Chelsey.

Chelsey: so whats his name?
*the nurse comes in*
Nurse: I'm sorry to interrupt but we need the name for the baby to put on the certificate
Daniel: you're just in time. Everyone meet-
Both: Oliver James Seavey
Chelsey: Oliver? As in our-
Y/N: yeah.
Keri: it's a beautiful name
Anna: who picked the name
Daniel: Y/N
Y/N: i wanted to name him after someone who means so much to Chelsey and I.
Chelsey: he was my best friend and Y/N dated him. Him and I were juniors in high school and she was a sophomore and after his mom died
Y/N: he got drunk and he started driving fast and when he got to a curve he didn't turn and drove off the cliff
Christian: Im sorry to hear that
* just smiled at them*

A few hours later.

Everyone left the room to go home and rest. I told Daniel to go home and change but he didn't want to leave me alone.

Y/N: go I'll be fine Im surround by a lot of doctors and nurses
Daniel: i want to be here with the both of you
*Nezza, Franny and Crawford came in*
Y/N: see now Im not gonna be alone
Nezza: are we interrupting?
Y/N: Daniel here doesn't want to leave and change because he doesn't want to leave us alone
Franny: we're here now you can go
Crawford: yeah man we'll take care of her while you're gone
Y/N: please i trust them with my life
Daniel: fine but i won't take long
*you guys kissed and he left*

Oliver was still sleeping so we talked until he woke up. I told them what his name is and they were happy since they know who he was named after.

A few minutes later.

Daniel had came back with food and Oliver finally woke up as well. Franny went to go get him.

Franny: look he has Daniel's eyes
Crawford: he looks like Y/N the most
Nezza: he's adorable
Y/N: thank you. He looks like he likes you guys already
Daniel: you hungry? I brought you food.
Y/N: thank you baby

Nezza, Franny and Crawford were just hanging out with the baby and Daniel and I were eating. We went to the couch that was by the window and had an amazing view of the city.

Y/N: the view is so beautiful
Daniel: just like you
*you guys kissed*
Y/N: thank you for everything. I'm glad we meet at the cafe.
Daniel: me too. Without you I was lost and when you left me I didn't know what to do no more. I'm sorry for the pain I cost you a few months ago. I don't want to lose you ever again. When we get out of here, Imma take you out on a date.
Y/N: alright then.

1 hour later.

We finished eating and Franny, Crawford and Nezza had left. I went on the bed and hold Oliver in my arms. I had to change him and I played with him. I felt like a stress of relief had just left by looking at baby boy. I don't want nothing bad to happen to him.

After a while, I had to feed him and make sure he slept through the night. In seconds later, the doctor came in and checked if everything is okay.

Daniel: so when Can i take them home?
Doc: well it seems like the baby is fine and also the mother so I would say by tomorrow morning she'll be free to go home
Y/N: thank you so much Doctor
Doc: no problem it's my job. Have a good night

When the doctor left, Daniel got on the bed and we cuddled until we both fell asleep.

Next Morning.

Daniel went to go get the car seat and I'm signing my release forms. I'm so happy to be going home with my two love ones. After I signed the forms, they wheeled me out to the front.

Y/N: is the car seat ready?
Daniel: it's ready
Y/N: here hold him
*gave him Oliver and checked if everything was good*
Daniel: i told you it's ready
Y/N: just making sure
*Daniel puts him on the seat and helped me get in*
Daniel: you don't want to sit in the front
Y/N: nope i want to be with my baby
Daniel: alright. You ready to go home?
Y/N: let's go
*you guys kissed and were on your way home*

A few minutes later.

Daniel: do you want to get breakfast before we get home?
Y/N: Ohh yes please
Daniel: what do you want to eat?
Y/N: Can we go to Denny's?
Daniel: Denny's it is

Daniel's POV:
When I went to go get the car seat, my parents, Anna, Christian, Tyler, the boys, Chelsey and a few of our friends wanted to surprise Y/N with a welcome home party. So I had to distract her for a while so I decided to take her out to get breakfast.

 So I had to distract her for a while so I decided to take her out to get breakfast

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