Chapter 25

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Daniel's POV:

Next Morning.

I woke up early to go to soundcheck. First day on tour again but today is the day we're gonna announce our engagement and Oliver.

Daniel: hey baby, Imma go to soundcheck now
Y/N: have fun at soundcheck
Daniel: you sure you don't want to go with us
Y/N: we'll just stay here and maybe explore a little of London
Daniel: call me if you need anything
*you guys kissed*
Y/N: i will

A few minutes later.

I meet up with the boys at the lobby and we were on our way to soundcheck.

1 hour later.

We're doing a 30 minute breaks. The boys and I
started talking and laughing.

Jonah: you excited Daniel for tonight?
Daniel: ive been ready for this day
Corbyn: Im happy do you bro
Jack: it's good that you're going to announce it both
Zach: how are you guys gonna do it

Your POV;
When Daniel left, I got up and got ready for today. I called Jon to see if the boys got breakfast, which he said they haven't. I wanted to surprise them and bring them breakfast. Jon was gonna send the bus driver to pick me up. I finished getting Oliver and I ready *swipe to see our outfit* After a while, they got here and I ordered food on my way over there. We got to the restaurant and got the food and headed over to the venue.

A few minutes later.

I arrived at the venue but the boys were still doing sound check so I stayed at the green room until they finished. I started to feed Oliver after that I gave him a few toys to play.

An hour later.

Oliver ended taking a nap and the boys were on there break so I left Oliver for a while and went with the boys. As I was walking towards them, I heard Zach ask how we're going to do the announcement.

Y/N: hey guys, i brought food just in case y'all are hungry
Daniel: where's Oliver?
Y/N: he's taking a nap in the green room, Jon is
keeping an eye on him for now
Jonah: let's go eat and we'll finish sound check
*we started walking to the green room*
Corbyn: so how are you guys gonna do it?
Daniel: well I was thinking maybe when we're done doing the mashups that's when we do it
Y/N: is that okay with you guy?
Jonah: it's fine by me
Zach: me too
Corbyn: same
Jack: anything for you guys
Y/N: thank you so much

We sat down and began to eat breakfast.

2 hours later.

The boys started the show about an hour ago. I've been singing along with them. After a while, they bring them the equipment to start the mashups. Daniel looks at me and I blew a kiss to him and he's all happy. Jon comes up to me since he knows that we're gonna do the announcement after the mashups.

Jon: you ready?
Y/N: let's do it
Jon: we're gonna go backstage and you'll just wait until Daniel calls you.
Y/N: then one of the boys is gonna come and get Oliver
Jon: alright let's go

A few minutes later.

They finished doing their mashups and Daniel calls me to the stage. All the boys walked off to change and Corbyn is gonna bring out Oliver.

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