Chapter 11

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Anna's POV:
We arrived at the airport. I hate that she's leaving but she needs to take time to herself for now.

Anna: are you sure you want to leave?
Y/N: Im sure. I just need time to figure things out
Anna: if you need anything please don't hesitate to call me. I'll fly out to where ever you are.
Y/N: thank you Anna. Imma miss you.
Anna: Im going to miss you more. Keep updating me.
Y/N: i will
*you guys hugged*
Anna: don't worry. When I see my brother again imma kill him for you
Y/N: Don't kill him just yell at him for me and don't forget to tell Chelsey not to worry about me and I'll be where I always wanted to go.
Anna: I will.
*they announced your flight*
Y/N: that's me.
Anna: be safe and text me when you get home
Y/N: i will. Take care of yourself and your family. Tell them I said thank you for welcoming me into your family

We said our goodbyes and she left to get on the plane. I never thought I would hate my brother so much but right now I hate him with every single inch of my body. When I saw her plane leave, I headed back to the party.

A few minutes later.

I arrived at Chelsey's house and everyone is leaving besides my family and the boys' family. As I walked in, I went straight to Daniel and punched him.

Anna: are you serious?
Kian: what's going on?
Anna: how could you do that to Y/N?!
Jeff: Anna, Imma need you to calm down
Chelsey: where's Y/N?
Anna: she went back home thanks to this dumb ass of a brother
Christian: what do you mean?
Kian: explain to us what's happening
Anna: why don't you ask Daniel and Y/N's bestfriend explain to you all
Tyler: Daniel what is she talking about?
Chelsey: yeah I want to know why my sister went back home?
Tatiana: i kissed Daniel and I guess she saw
Chelsey: you did what?
Daniel: i tried to pull away but she had a strong grip
Anna: well you should have tried harder because now she's a thousand miles away and having your baby in a few-
*Keri hits Anna*
Everyone: she's what?
Keri: she's pregnant Daniel
Chelsey: my sister is having your baby and Tatiana, how could you do this to your own BESTFRIEND?!
Tatiana: she deserves to feel the way I felt when she kissed the guy I loved
*Chelsey slaps her. Leaving her a red mark*

After Chelsey slapped her, she grabbed her hair and kicked her out of the house and left her on the street.

Chelsey: you're no longer welcome here
Tatiana: you're the only family I have
Chelsey: yeah well you should have thought about that before you kissed my sister's boyfriend and soon to be the dad of her baby
Tatiana: well I'm not leaving

Chelsey gets the hose and just wet her until she left running.

Daniel: how long has she been pregnant?
Keri: only 6 or 7 days
Nezza: she wanted to tell you today
Daniel: but i fucked it up
Chelsey: did she tell you where she was going?
Anna: all she said was to tell you she's going where she always wanted to go so I'm guessing New York
Daniel: i need to go get her back
Keri: I think you should give her some time
Daniel: i need her in my life I can't let her walk away not now not ever. I told her I'll be there for her every step of the way
Jeff: i know but your mom is right. Give her time.
Christian: she'll come back soon

Your POV;
When they announced the flight to New York, i pretend to get on but when I lost sight of her, I went to go sit down. I'm not going back to New York. I'm going to where Chelsey and I always wanted to go ever since we were small. I don't want anyone to know where I'm going including Daniel.

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