Chapter 9

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Christina's POV:
The boys left early to go to the studio. The only people in the house was Y/N and me. I was waiting for her to wake up so we can do last minute shopping but it's already 12 pm. She's usually up by 10 or 11. I went to Daniel's room to check up on her maybe she's just laying down or something. I knocked on the door.

Christina: hey, Y/N. Want to come with me to do some last minute shop-
*looks at the ground and runs to you*
Christina: omg! Y/N wake up!

When I saw her on the ground, i used Y/N's phone to call 911 and Daniel but he didn't answer me so I called Chelsey. I let her know what happened on my way to the hospital.

A few minutes later.

We had arrived at the hospital. Still no answer from Daniel. Chelsey is now with me. We are currently in the waiting room. After a while, the doctor came out.

Doc: family of Y/N Amaro
Chelsey: Im her sister, how is she?
Christina: is she okay?
Doc: she's fine. I need to ask you girls a question before we give her any type of medication.
Chelsey: what is it?
Doc: how many days or weeks have she been
Christina: she's not pregnant
Doc: her test results says positive for pregnancy
Chelsey: was that the reason why she fainted?
Doc: it could be the one of the reasons but we will do more test to know for sure if her pregnancy was the reason why she fainted
Christina: thank you so much
Chelsey: can we see her?
Doc: ofc she's down the hall to your right

I can't believe she's pregnant.

Your POV:
I woke by the sound of beeps. I look around and saw that I'm in the hospital. Just a few minutes later, Chelsey and Christina walked in all happy.

Y/N: why am i here?
Christina: i found you on the ground passed out
Y/N: is everything okay?
Chelsey: there's one thing we need to tell you
Y/N: omg! Is it Daniel? Is he here? Please tell me Daniel is fine.
*my eyes became watery*
Christina: Daniel is fine. He's at the studio with the boys.
Y/N: then what do you need to tell me?
Chelsey: you're gonna be a mom
Y/N: who said?
Christina: the doctor asked us how long have you been pregnant and we told him you're not and he said the test said positive
Y/N: so i have a baby in me?
Christina: congrats Y/N. You're gonna have a little you or a little Daniel.
Chelsey: Imma be an auntie. I'm so happy for you!
Y/N: Imma be a mom!
Christina: you Can have this news to Daniel as a Christmas gift
Y/N: you're right!

1 hour later.

The doctor came in and said everything is fine and the reason of why I fainted was my pregnancy. I'm so happy imma be a mom. I've always wanted to be a mom and now I'm blessed to be one. It's amazing. We went to go get something to eat. After we ate, my phone started to ring. I saw that it was Daniel.

Y/N: hello
Daniel: Im sorry i didn't answer. I was at the studio and I had a meeting.
Y/N: it's okay. I just wanted to know where you were since I didn't see you next to me.
Daniel: i had to leave early and I didn't want to wake you up
Y/N: i miss you
Daniel: i miss you too
Y/N: when are you coming home?
Daniel: we're on our way right now. Need anything?
Y/N: no Im fine. Im with Chelsey and Christina shopping but we'll be home soon

A few minutes later.

Chelsey dropped us off at the house and went home to get everything ready for the party. Once we entered we went to our rooms to get ready for the party.

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