Chapter 14

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I heard him coming closer and tears started running down. I just don't want to be here no more.

Y/N: Im sorry but i got to go. Thank you for dinner.
* got my things and he followed me to my car*
Daniel: Y/N! I want to fix things between us.
Y/N: i still need time Daniel
Daniel: please let me explain to you what happened
Y/N: i got to go Daniel
Daniel: please come inside so we can talk i don't want to lose you both. Please
Y/N: I'll let you talk

We walked back in and his family decided to leave us alone. I was ready to talk to him but not right now but he's the father of my son. Chelsey was right I haven't stopped loving Daniel. We sat down at the couch and he got me something to drink. He started to explain what had happened that night and I feel like a dumbass jumping into conclusions. I should have known Tatiana would do something like that. After he told me what happened, I wanted to beat her up but I can't since I'm expecting.

Daniel: i love you Y/N and our...
Y/N: son
Daniel: we're having a boy?
Y/N: yeah we are
*he place his hand on my stomach and I felt a pain*
Y/N: ouch that hurt
Daniel: did I hurt you? I'm so sorry.
Y/N: no you didnt. You just felt his kick but he never kicked that hard before
Daniel: hey son. It's your dad. I helped create you. I promise you to take care of you and your mom if she lets me. So what do you say? Can I have a second chance with you?
Y/N: i know it wasn't your fault so I'll give you a second chance but this is the only time I'll be giving you one
Daniel: i promise you i won't miss it up ever again
*you guys kissed and his family came in*
Keri: does that mean what I think it means?
Y/N: Im giving us a second try
Christian: Daniel you better not mess it up again or else this time I'll beat you up
Tyler: and I'll join Christian
Keri: BOYS!
Jeff: Im happy for you both. Our grandson is gonna have two loving parents
Y/N: and hes going to be surrounded by amazing people
*Anna comes home*
Anna: Daniel, you're home. How was tour?
Daniel: it was good
Anna: Y/N, you're here too. I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye early in the morning. You were sleeping so peacefully
Y/N: it's fine Anna.
Daniel: wait you stayed over night at her house? So you knew where she was these past few months and you didn't tell me?
Y/N: baby, i told her not to tell anyone where I was at.
Anna: baby? Does that mean you guys are back together?
Tyler: yup they are and hopefully he doesn't mess it up or else
Christian: Tyler and I would beat him up
Anna: don't forget me. I'll join too

We all hanged out for a while until I had to go home.

Daniel: let me take you home
Y/N: it's fine I can drive myself thank you
Daniel: i know you Can but I want to

Daniel takes my keys and yells goodbye to everyone and starts the car.

Y/N: he's lucky i can't run but thank you all for having me and everything
Anna: anything for my sister in law
Keri: you're like a daughter to us now
Christian: yeah you're part of family
Tyler: that's if Daniel doesn't mess it up again
*Daniel walks in*
Daniel: i won't do that every again because I'm in love with her
Jeff: as you should
Y/N: hopefully us girls can have girls day. How about Friday?
Anna: that's good with me
Keri: we look forward to it
Y/N: goodbye you guys

I hugged everyone and Daniel walks me to the
passenger seat. He opens the door and ties me up as well.

A few minutes later.

We arrived at my house. I had to tell him where to go since he's never been there. We walked in and I showed him around.

Y/N: you're gonna love the nursery room
*you open the door and he was amazed*
Daniel: you did this?
Y/N: i wish I did
Daniel: then who did it?
Y/N: our sisters did. Anna planned it and Chelsey helped make it happen
Daniel: it looks beautiful
Y/N: they did an amazing job

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