Chapter 7⚠️

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After the interview, we decided to go get breakfast together since the boys only had coffee. We went to a near by restaurant. We started talking.

Jonah: so how long have you been in New York,
Y/N: ive been here for a few days
Zach: so what are you studying for?
Y/N: cosmetology and then business
Corbyn: where are you going to be located at?
Y/N: Im not sure. I might go back to LA and open up a business and maybe in the future have another one here in New York
Christina: seems like you have plan
Y/N: it's just what I hope happen
Daniel: and we will help makes it happen
Jack: count on us for anything
Y/N: thank you

We finished eating and left the restaurant. Daniel and i went our own way. We were walking hand to hand until a few limelights stopped us and took pictures with Daniel. Some asked to take pictures with us and asked to take pictures with both of us on it. After a while, they all left and it was back to being only me and Daniel.

Y/N: does that happen to you a lot?
Daniel: just a few times. I hope that wasn't uncomfortable for you
Y/N: not at all to be honest. Ever since Chelsey and Jc became a couple, I would get some of Kian and Jc's fans to take pictures with.
Daniel: Im glad. Anyways ready for our date?
Y/N: Im ready

We went inside the Ice Cream Museum. I've always wanted to go but I never had the money to fly out here and go to this place.

Y/N: how did you know I wanted to come here?
Daniel: i didn't. I asked Christian what's a good place to have a date and she suggested to come here
Y/N: this is amazing. Thank you
*you kissed him and he kissed back *

2 hours later.

We decided to go have dinner with the boys and Christina. Call Christina since she was the Corbyn and Daniel called Jonah since he was with Zach and Jack. We told them to go to the restaurant close to Christina and my place. After a while, we saw that Christina saved us a table. We sat down and waited for the boys to get here. The boys finally got her and we began to order our food. We talked for what felt like hours. After a while, we finished eating.

Christina: when are you guys leaving?
Jonah: tonight
Y/N: tonight? Already?
Daniel: Imma miss you
Y/N: Im going to miss you
Zack: okay love birds
Christina: wish you guys could stay longer
Y/N: same here
Daniel: then come back to LA
Y/N: Daniel, i barely got to New York. For winter break, I'll go back.
Corbyn: you should come too, Christina. We have to perform for Jingle Ball.
Christina: count me in then. I also have a business meeting so I might go a day before winter break
Y/N: then that'll make two of us

6 months later.

I spend thanksgiving with Christina's family. Her family is so nice and so welcoming, it's incredible. We're on our way to the airport and of course we had to get Starbucks. We did everything we had to do and now we are waiting for our flight to be called. A little update about my relationship with Daniel. We're now 5 months together, and we FaceTime and text every/all day. Christina is currently logging this trip but also vacation. After a while, our flight was finally called and we headed to the plane and we were on the way to LA.

A couple hours later.

We had finally arrived in LA. We got our items and our way to the front, we saw a group of people surrounding what looks like Daniel and Corbyn. Christina and i just looked at each other.

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