Chapter 2

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Next Morning.

I woke up by the sound of the door slamming. I
checked the time and I was late for work. I call Angela and told her I was gonna be late. I did a quick cold shower and got some clothes from Chelsey. After I changed, I started to head out until someone grabbed my arm. I saw that it was Daniel.

Daniel: do you want me to pick you up or do you want to meet up?
Y/N: what are you talking about?
Daniel: our date? We were talking about it yesterday
Y/N: Ohh my god i forgot. I'll send you my address
Daniel: I'll see you later then
Y/N: bye

I got in my car and drove to the coffee shop. After a while, I clocked in and started to take orders.

Angela: so how was the party with ocean eyes?
Y/N: turns out we we're going to the same party.
Liliana: from your sister?
Y/N: yup
Tatiana: you don't look good. Here imma make you coffee.
Y/N: thanks.
Sarah: so anything happened between you too?
Y/N: nope. We're just going on a date tonight.
Liliana: where you guys going?
Y/N: not sure he hasn't said anything
*Tatiana gives you your coffee*
Tatiana: i could tell that you guys are gonna be a thing
Y/N: i Don't know about that
Angela: here we go again. Why do you think that?
Y/N: he travels a lot and imma be here
Sarah: or New York
Y/N: exactly

I finished the coffee and texted Daniel.

Y/N: hey it's Y/N. Here's my address.
*you send your address*
Daniel: what time do you want me to pick you up?
Y/N: i get out of work at 5 so like around 6
Daniel: alright, see you soon

I can't believe I'm going on a date with him. I should have asked where we going. I guess it's now a surprise.

After work.

I rushed home and started to get ready. My outfit was simple but cute. I only did a light makeup *swipe to see*. When I was done getting ready, I heard someone knock on the front door. I went to go open the door and it was Daniel.

Daniel: you look pretty
Y/N: thank you
Daniel: you ready?
Y/N: Im ready but where are we going?
*he holds your hand & walks you to his car*
Daniel: Im taking you to a special spot that I go to when I need to get away for a bit
Y/N: okay Let's go

I got in his car and we started to drive. He placed his hand on top of mine and I didn't mind it. We interlocked hands and I looked at him and we both smiled.

Daniel's POV:
Ever since I meet this girl at the coffee shop, I can't stop thinking about her. My friends are always saying "she makes me feel some type of way" but I never get a chance to experience it. But with her, I feel like it's happening.

We barely met yesterday but I feel a strong connection with her and I know she feels it. When I picked her up at her house, she looked so beautiful and I want to be able to call her my girlfriend but I'm afraid of being used. I'm taking her to my get away spot in LA.

Daniel: hey do want to get food first before we get there? I was gonna go first but I didn't know what you like.
Y/N: that's fine by me. I haven't ate all day and I'm starving.
Daniel: what do you want to eat?
Y/N: Let's go to *your favorite restaurant*
Daniel: i love their food. It's so good

We go to the restaurant. We got our food and headed over to the spot. We listened and sang to a few songs on our way.

A few minutes later.

I pulled over and parked the car.

Y/N: why did you stop?
Daniel: because we're here
Y/N: we're on the middle of no where
Daniel: it's a little bit more over there

Your POV:
Daniel parked the car and I looked around and were in the middle of no where. It's so quiet here. He said we need to walk a little bit more. As we got closer, I saw a bench and the view was so beautiful.

Y/N: so this is the spot?
Daniel: yeah. So what do you think?
Y/N: it's so beautiful here. How often do vou come here?
Daniel: when I want to be alone to get my stress away or just to think. I don't bring anyone here not even the boys
Y/N: so Im the first person you brought here?
Daniel: yeah so i guess it's our spot now
Y/N: it's an honor to be the first

We got to talking and who knew we had so much in common. We both want to be someone in life. After a while, we gotten really close. I'm falling more and more with this guy.

Daniel: shall I take you home?
Y/N: yes please. Thank you for tonight.
Daniel: thank you for being you
Y/N: it's what Im good at
*you guys giggled & walked back to the car*

An hour later.

We got to my house and I invited him in.

Y/N: do you want to come in?
Daniel: i would love to but I have a plane to catch early in the morning
Y/N: maybe next time. Goodnight
Daniel: maybe next time goodnight

I went inside and went straight to my room. He didn't leave until I got inside. When he left, I went to take a quick shower. I changed into comfy clothes. I was about to close my eyes until my phone starts to ring. I checked who it was and it was Chelsey.

Y/N: i was about to go to sleep
Chelsey: i know you were that's why I called right now
Y/N: why did you?
Chelsey: i just wanted to know how your date with Daniel go
Y/N: can't i tell you tomorrow after school
Chelsey: ugh fine but you're gonna have to give me full details
Y/N: i will Goodnight sis
Chelsey: Goodnight

I hanged up and went to sleep.

I hanged up and went to sleep

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