Chapter 13

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1 month later.

Today is the day I finish my cosmetology program and I go home. Anna and Chelsey came about a week ago to celebrate with me. After the ceremony, I said goodbye to my friends I've made while being here. Us girls and Kian went to a restaurant to celebrate and have a good time before we leave. I bought a house in LA and shipped all my things there except for a suitcase. I gave the keys to the owner of the house and we got our things and headed to the airport.

At the Airport.

We made it to the airport. We passed through security and everything else. Now we are waiting for our flight to be announced.

Y/N: Im nervous to go home
Chelsey: you're having second thoughts aren't you?
Y/N: of course I am. I'm not ready to face him
Anna: you have time don't rush it and plus he's still touring
Kian: whenever you're ready to face him we'll all be there for you to do it
Y/N: thank you. I'm happy you guys are here with me
Chelsey: you shouldn't be alone through this

We did a group hug and our flight was called. I was by the window next to me was Anna and Chelsey and Kian was in front of us. I guess this is goodbye Bora Bora. We all fell asleep when we took off since it's gonna be a 9 hour flight.

9 hours later.

We finally landed in LA. We did everything we had to do and we went to the front and waited for Crawford to pick us up. After a while, Crawford finally arrived and got off the car quick to hug me.

Crawford: what a do baby?! Im happy you're back Y/N. We all missed you here.
Y/N: aye not to tight
Crawford: look how big you gotten! How many months are you now?
Y/N: uhm 6 months now
Crawford: congrats. You're gonna be an amazing mom to your baby-
Y/N: not gonna say until I have my friends and family with me
Anna: ive been dying to know if imma have a nephew or niece for a week now and she won't say
Kian: I already know
Chesley: first then us?! That's not fair
Y/N: you'll find out soon

We got in the car and went home but we stopped to get food. I'm happy but also worried to be home. We got to my house and finished eating. After we finished eating, they wanted to show me something.

Chelsey: here let me show you something
Y/N: what is it?
Anna: you'll love it
Crawford: we all worked on it together
Y/N: so what is it?
Chesley: we gonna need you to close your eyes
*you close your eyes and the lead you outside*
Anna: on 3 you can open your eyes
Y/N: okay
Kian: are you ready?
Y/N: let's get this over
All: 1...2...3 surprise!

I open my eyes and I was so surprised to see what we saw. All my friends and family including Anna's family was here.

Everyone: WELCOME HOME, Y/N!
Y/N: aww thank you. It's good to see you all again
*Seavey Family comes up to you and you hug them*
Y/N: it's good to see you guys again
Keri: we're glad your back
Jeff: how long until you're due?
Y/N: about 2 or 3 months left
Christian: do you know the gender?
Y/N: I do
Anna: you said until you have everyone you'll let us know and by the looks of it everyone is here
*you look around*
Y/N: alright then. Let's go inside. Chelsey can you get Nezza, Franny, Jc, Kian and Crawford and meet us in the living room.
Chesley: alright

We walked in the living room and waited for the rest to come in. We talked for a while. We got caught up with each other.

Keri: are you gonna tell Daniel?
Anna: she will when she's ready
Y/N: right now i just want to focus on myself and the baby
*they walked in and sat on the couch*
Nezza: why you call us in?
Y/N: Im going to tell you all the gender of the baby
Tyler: niece or nephew?
Y/N: Im having a baby boy
*everyone cheers*
Keri: we're having a grandson!
Anna: yess!
Christian: that's amazing
Jeff: congrats another Seavey boy
Tyler: Im so happy.
Chelsey: baby nephew
Franny: have you picked a name yet?
Y/N: not yet I want to pick it with
*you went from smiling to having a frown look*
Anna: you want to pick with him, don't you?
Y/N: yeah well my baby is his too it's only fair we both choose it together
Keri: and you guys are. He still wants to be with you, Y/N.
Chesley: ever since you left he hasn't stop bothering me to know where you're at
Anna: same here. He keeps looking for you while touring.

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