Chapter 16

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A few minutes later.

We finished eating breakfast and headed home. Daniel seemed excited to be getting home.

Y/N: why you excited to get home?
Daniel: Im always excited to get home with you because that means imma be with you 24/7
Y/N: you have something ready at home don't you?
Daniel: what? I don't have nothing ready
Y/N: Daniel you know I don't like surprise so please tell me
Daniel: Im not gonna surprise you with anything
Y/N: if you say so

Daniel moved in about a month ago. He wanted to be with me just incase I need to go to the hospital and deliver the baby but the time he wasn't with me I had to go at least he made it on time before I went into labor.

We arrived at the house. Daniel gets out and opens the car door for me. I carried the hospital bag and Daniel carried Oliver. He makes me walk in first. I open the door and everyone comes out of their hiding spot.

Y/N: it's good to be back home again

I go hug everyone who's here and sat down on the couch with Oliver and Daniel.

Y/N: i told you I don't want any surprises
Daniel: and i told you Im not surprising you
*Keri, Jeff, Anna, Christian, Tyler, the boys, Chelsey came in*
Keri: he didn't we all did
Y/N: how did you guys get in
Chelsey: i took your keys when you fell asleep
Y/N: i knew something was missing in my bag
*she hands me back my keys and we all just laughed*
Daniel: let's have some fun
Y/N: you guys go have fun. Imma put Oliver in his crib and I'll be with you guys in a bit
Chelsey: I'll go with you
Anna: yeah me too

Chelsey got Oliver and Anna got the diaper bag. I gave Daniel a kiss and headed to the nursery room.

Daniel's POV:
Y/N, Chelsey, and Anna went to the nursery room. Since it was just my parents, Christian, Tyler and the boys and I, i wanted to plan something.

Daniel: guys i need help with something
Keri: what do you help with?
Daniel: i want to propose to her next month as our 1 year anniversary
Christian: we would love to help you
Jonah: just let us know what you need
Daniel: well meet up at my parent's house and we'll plan everything there

Your POV:
We got to the nursery room and I had put everything away. Chelsey and Anna were playing with Oliver.

Anna: so what's next between you too?
Y/N: Im not sure
Chelsey: i think that's up to Daniel
Anna: what if y'all get married or have another kid?
Y/N: i don't think any of those are gonna happen any time soon
Anna: oh come on. Y'all are meant to be together
Chelsey: i agree. I've never seen you this happy before
Y/N: like you said it's up to Daniel
Anna: and it's up to you too
Chelsey: Don't you want another baby
Y/N: i barely became a mom and y'all want me to be pregnant again
Chelsey: why not?
Y/N: why don't you have a baby with Jc?
Chelsey: we ain't ready yet
Y/N: i wasn't either but here we are now
Chelsey: maybe we will soon
Anna: well maybe time we'll tell him
Y/N: alright give me my baby I need to feed him and I'll be down in a bit
Anna: let us know if you need anything
Y/N: i will

The girls left and I sat down on the rocking chair that was by the window.

A few minutes later.

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