Part 14

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"May I ask why?" Henry asks.

"Well, it's a little embarrassing, but if both parties aren't interested in the engagement, then we can just break it off. I just thought it would be better for Prince Orion to accept the breakup if I also had someone I liked. Mary pointed out that it isn't a good enough reason for it. " I fiddled with my fingers.

"Oh, I see," Henry says.

I see???? Mary freaking interrogated me on this, and you're just easily accepting it?

"Uh, so, um that's all I have to say! Sorry for making you waste your time!" I stand up abruptly, knocking over my chair. Flustered, I turn around to pick it back up. Ahhhh, I should have just asked Mary to tell him herself about the change and cancel the meeting. Ah, but I wanted to see him!

"But am I still acting as your personal knight?" Henry asks, reaching over to help me stand up my chair. His closeness makes me smell his scent, fresh with a hint of something floral. He must have taken a shower before this.

"Ah, yes! I would still like for you to come with us as the royal castle isn't the safest place." I quickly answer, barely avoiding touching his hands when pulling back up my chair. Oh. Maybe I should have touched them, I could have triggered an event. Dang my noble etiquette!

"And, actually, I should have a personal knight by now. I may not be the heir of the Thornweathers, but I am at the prime age of marriage, so many people may want to harm me and my family. I just have been avoiding getting one because I wanted to be free." I sit back down since I felt awkward standing up and talking. Henry mimics me and sits back down on his chair too.

"I just thought that having something like a bodyguard would prevent me from doing things that I like because they wanted to protect me and stuff. I didn't want to be restrained in my freedom." I add on, waving my hands for emphasis. I may have remembered my past memories, but I still grew up living as a villainess. Stuff like manners, noble hierarchy, and politics always bore me and restrained me, but I knew I had to learn it, to help my family, to support them the way I only knew how. Now that I know the main story and my potential future, my aspirations have changed, but the foundation remains the same. To do the things that I want to do but to also uphold my family's honor and stuff.

"I can see that. It isn't normal for a noble's daughter to be sneaking around the royal castle." Henry comments, winking at me. ?!?! A wink?!?!? Calm down my heart!

"Uh, yeah." I blush.

"So..." He leans in, resting his chin on top of his hands.

"Yes..?" I gulp. This feels like an interrogation. Why am I feeling so nervous?!

"About the pretend lovers, what were you planning on having us do?" He asks.

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