Part 52

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We started to head back to the entrance of the south gardens. Along the way, we picked a few more flowers so Mary could give some to her maid friends. I don't know if the rumors were true, but it was still a wondrous sight to see. I definitely want to go back here next time.

"Has everything been prepared?" "Yes." I suddenly hear whispered voices as I opened the entrance to the south gardens. I paused my movements.

"What are you doing, my lady? Why aren't you opening the door?" Mary asks from behind me. I put my finger to my lips and slowly bring my ear towards the door.

"Huh? What are you-?" Mary's voice becomes drowned out as I pick up more voices from outside.

"We will do it after the competition. I heard the prizes for winning are impressive. It would be good to wait and steal them after the competition is done." A whispered voice speaks. Oh My God. Is this the conspiracy?!??!? I try to get closer to hear more.

"......We will bring justice.." "....All set in motion." "... Princess Echina.." The voices overlap and I could only pick out a few pieces here and there. Dang it! I need to know more! I push on the door, only for it to swing loudly open, startling everyone in the area. I lose my balance from the sudden shift in weight and feel myself falling. I closed my eyes, preparing for the inevitable faceplant.

Strong hands quickly wrap around my waist and I open my eyes to see that Henry was able to catch me before I fell.

"Are you alright, my lady?" He asks me.

"What are you doing, my lady?" Mary's face appears in front of me. She leans in to check on my condition.

"Um-" I tried to speak.

"Woah, where did you guys come from? What? There's a secret door here!" A familiar voice speaks. I turn my head to see my archnemesis, that jerkface, brat, no good, the worst, annoying Prince Circe. He has since changed his clothes into something much more casual. His outfit reflects his youthfulness and compliments his silver hair. The afternoon light only serves to highlight his good looks and confident persona. If I didn't know his personality, I would have been smitten with his boyish charms.

"Wow.." Mary exclaims quietly at Prince Circe's attractiveness.

"..Hah? You again?" Prince Circe recognizes us. His face automatically twists with disgust. I mimic him.

"..Could say the same to you." I sneer, pushing Henry's hands off my waist. He doesn't budge like always, so I just ignored it.

"What are YOU doing here?" Emphasizing the "you" showing my discomfort. Prince Circe catches my hidden meaning and reflects the same, crossing his arms defiantly.

"What's it to you? Are you even allowed to be here?" He says haughtily.

What! This rascal! I can feel my blood pressure rising in anger at his stupid face.

"Hah! You should know that I'm a duke's daughter. I can go wherever I want!" I spit.

"..What is happening?" A new voice appears. We turn to see a silver-haired beauty, standing gracefully in the garden. The flowers seem to be naturally bowing in her presence. Her strikingly beautiful ruby eyes only further enhance her mystical beauty.

"Princess Echina!" "Sister!" Our voices overlap as Princess Echina walks up to our little group. She studies the open door to the secret gardenias and the standoff between me and prince Circe.

"A secret garden? What is everyone doing?" Her soft melodious voice washes over us, soothing and relaxing. I can feel my anger quickly receding.

"We greet your majesty." I quickly bow in her presence. Mary and Henry follow. Prince Circe scoffs. Princess Echina smiles.

"A pleasure to meet you again, Lady Annelise." She steps closer to Prince Circe.

"Younger brother, what are you doing with Lady Annelise? A secret rendezvous?" She laughs slightly. Prince Circe's face heats up.

"What! Of course not, sister! Who would hang with this?!" He stammers, rudely pointing at me.

"This?" She tilts her head at his words. Even though she is smiling, her smile doesn't go up to her eyes. I feel a slight chill.

"Ah, I mean, this person!" Prince Circe corrects himself.

"Mm, but Lady Annelise is not "this person". She is a noble guest of the Elden royalty. You should treat people with respect, Circe. We came here to foster peace, not start arguments." Princess Echina speaks, her voice graceful but powerful. We all gulp. Woah. She's cool!

She stares at Prince Circe, crossing her arms. He squirms.

"I apologize for my language, sister." He squeaks.

"But she was rude to me too!" He adds on.

"Hmm." Her eyes move towards me. I feel myself stiffen at her gaze.

"Ah, I apologize for my behavior, it was unbecoming of me." I quickly say, bowing slightly.

"Mm, I would not assume that a pretty lady such as yourself would squabble with my younger brother like a pair of monkeys." Her words are sharp and I can feel myself blushing in embarrassment.

"..Yes.." I said, head down.

"I would also assume, my dear brother, that someone of royal blood and high standings would have more control and awareness of their actions." Princess Echina sternly directs toward Prince Circe.

"..Yes, sister." He says.

"Circe, are you getting scolded again?" A new voice pops in. I lift my head to see Prince Astric walking towards us with a couple of Vendia attendants. Unlike his brother, Prince Astric is still in his uniform from earlier. I guess Prince Circe has more free time than his brother.

"Brother!" Prince Circe exclaims, his face blushing.

"A mere squabble between Lady Annelise and Circe. Nothing of note." Princess Echina shakes her head.

"Again? You should treat girls better, Circe." Princes Astric raises his eyebrow.

"Whatever, she started it first. They surprised me!" Prince Circe turns away.

"Suprised?" Prince Astric notices the open door to the secret garden. His eyes glean mysteriously.

"A secret garden? How interesting." He says, walking closer to get a better look. Henry drags me away from the entrance and dusts off any foliage that collected from our hunting.

"Thanks," I said to him.

"Of course." Henry nods.

"Yeah! They came from there suddenly!" Prince Circe scampers up to his brother, who is admiring the intricacies of the door.

"Where does the door lead?" Prince Astric looks towrads me.

"A garden of gardenias," I answer, gesturing towards Mary, who holds up her bundle of gardenias.

"Nothing else?" Prince Astric peers inside to see the wide expanse of the gardenias. His voice seems to be disappointed but I couldn't be sure since he immediately went in, his next words lost.

"Wait for me, brother!" Prince Circe runs into the secret garden.

"Why, I am quite curious myself." Princess Echina comments, walking in herself.

"..." We watch the Vendia royalty all walk into the secret garden. I glance over at the lingering attendants, confused as to whether they should follow or not.

"They'll be fine. It's just a garden." I tried to reassure them, but they only become more nervous at my response.

"Should we go back?" I ask Henry and Mary. They didn't say anything during the whole situation since they could have gotten in trouble if they offended the royalty in front of their attendants. Sometimes I feel like Henry and Mary are too smart for me.

"Yeah, I've seen all I need." Mary gives one last look at the secret entrance and walks towards the exit of the south garden.

"Yes." Henry replies, following.

"Ah! Wait for me!"

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