Part 59

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"Please let me pass! I am delivering to Lady Annelise of Thornweather!" A familiar voice reaches us as we finally hit the main hallway. There Mary is standing with a rolling cart of goods, confronted by a beautifully dressed flaming red hair bishojo and her lackeys. The unmistakable bright red drills and her typical four lackeys could only be Vanessa, second daughter of the Willowbrooks!

"Why should I? If I keep you here, that Scarecrow will come running! Don't think I don't know of her plot to steal the hearts of the Vendia princes along with Prince Orion!" Unlike her striking appearance, the voice is melodious and soft, but still dripping with disdain.

"Hmpf, so what if I always come?" I declare as loud as I can. Eyes immediately turn towards me and Henry. There it's revealed that Vanessa has simply prevented Mary from leaving the main royal kitchen.

"My lady!" Mary calls, noticing us.

"Lady Annelise!" Vanessa's lackeys also notice and immediately step back from crowding Mary.

"You!" Vanessa turns around and stares deadly at me.

"Me?" I smirk, crossing my arms defiantly. Henry gently places a hand behind my back, preventing me from falling.

"Why are you harassing my maid again, Vanessa? Didn't learn your lesson last time?" I fire the first shot. Vanessa storms up to square off, her lackeys following behind. Mary also walks up and hides behind Henry. Vanessa scoffs at Mary's actions.

"Hmpf, hiding behind your master again? What a coward!" Vanessa speaks, placing her hands on her hips for his signature villainess pose.

"What coward? Coward is targeting my maid instead of the master!" I lean back slightly, displaying my villainess pose. Dum dum dun! Villainess standout!

"Ho? I was just asking her for directions! Is it not her job to give me information?" Vanessa speaks.

"Hmm. But does giving directions take over an hour?" I glance over at Mary, who shakes her head in denial at Vannessa's claims.

"She was just simply denying me from passing the main hall, my lady. I don't know why she didn't want to follow me back to your room." Mary whispers.

"What do you know? I was just getting the information before you showed up!" Vanessa denies.

"Yeah!" "Yeah, we were!" "Yes!" Her lackeys back her up.

"So what directions did you want? It's not like this is your first time here." I pick apart her excuse.

"Um! I haven't been here in a while! And I wanted to know where the Vendia guests were!" Vanessa slightly stammers.

"Vendia guests? But Mary is MY maid. How would she know where they are?" I question her.

"How would I know? That's why I'm asking her! I know you've arrived earlier so you must have already met with the Vendia guests!" Vanessa declares.

"Yeah!" "Yes!" " So smart!" Her lackeys nod in support.

"Well, I don't know where they are! You should've just asked a regular castle servant!" Mary peeks out from behind Henry.

"What! How dare you speak to me that way!" I could almost see a vein popping from Vanessa's head.

"Hah! Why not?! I already told you I didn't know! You just wanted to hold me off from meeting with my master!" Mary fires off another bullet. Hmm. I guess it's been going on long enough that she's dropping all formalities.

"What! How dare! Who are you to question my orders?" Vanessa points furiously at Mary.

"Hey! Don't point at my maid!" I block Vanessa's sight from Mary.

"Anyways, what do you even want Vanessa? You could have simply asked for my presence if you wanted something from me. Why are you harassing my maid?" I asked her.

"Hmpf. Don't think your little meeting with the Vendia princes is a secret! All the guests know that you've met with them in a secret area!" Vanessa says haughtily. What? In secret?

"Huh? How does anyone know that I met with them in secret?" I exclaimed.

"Hah! So you don't deny it! Are you trying to catch a Vendia prince now that rumors of Prince Orion's lover are confirmed?" Vanessa laughs.

"Ehhh. It wasn't a secret! It was a coincidence!" I tried to explain.

"Hmpf! Don't think I don't know your true colors you Scarecrow! You're trying to snag the next best thing and I won't have it!" Vanessa changes her stance to point at me instead.

"What! I'm not!" I immediately deny her. The heck? Why would I be remotely interested in the Vendia princes?

"Huh? What are you guys doing?"

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