Part 58

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We move at a much quicker pace now that Henry doesn't need to match mine. I already notice how much better his stamina is as he doesn't even break a sweat while carrying me. I don't want to brag and say that I'm light as a feather, I've eaten my fair share of sweets. I'm not the heaviest person, but I ain't light!

Ahhhh. But I really really need to do something about my weak body! Mary's so right. I've been neglecting any activity because I'm lazy and I don't really need to do anything when you have servants! This life of lasciviousness is super dangerous!

"Do we turn here, my lady?" Henry asks as we turn a corner into a splitting hallway. I quickly point to one of the entrances.

"Go there, technically they both end up at the main hall, but this way is more direct. We don't have to worry too much about encountering others as the servants tend to use this route more." Besides the main hallways, there are plenty of smaller hallways and interconnecting rooms for servants to use to quickly travel throughout the castle. I do know of a faster shortcut, but it would be very embarrassing for us to stumble across any of the guests when we exit.

"Yes!" Henry speeds through gracefully. We see some servants carrying items, but luckily no guests. They of course look at us strangely but I can't let some stares prevent me from saving Mary!

As we turn another corner, I can see a crowd of people gathering at one of the main entrances to the main hall. I can't see if Mary's inside that bundle of people, but they are blocking our way so we need to pass them!

"..Henry, do you see Mary in there?" I whisper.

"..No. It looks to be-" Before Henry finishes, I catch the unmistakable recognizable silver hair of the Vendia princes. One of whom also notices us.

"Eh? Look who is it!" That dreadfully annoying voice breaks past the rest of the noise and the crowd automatically separates, heads turning toward our direction. Shoot!

"Henry put me down quickly!" I shouted as quietly as I can, squirming my way out of his arms. He tries to safely place me down, but my struggle causes him to almost drop me. Henry quickly wraps his arm around my waist before I fell. My heart almost stops at the split second of lifelessness from the drop.

"What are you doing? Hugging?" Prince Circe approaches us just right when we're in this awkward position.

My legs still feel weak from the walking earlier, so I lean on Henry for support but turn around to greet Prince Circe.
"We greet your majesty." I bow slightly.

"What are you doing?" Prince Circe repeats his question, peering curiously at me and Henry's close proximity.

"Ah, I fell. He caught me." I shrug. Prince Circe raises one of his eyebrows.

"You like, tripped on nothing?" He snickers at the thought. What! My face heats up.

"No! I was in a hurry!" I exclaimed.

"Ho? What's the rush?" Prince Circe crosses his arms.

"I'm looking for my maid. Have you seen her?" I ask. Any help is useful, even from a brat!

"A maid?" The words seem to shock him. I glare slightly at his implications.

"Yeah, so?" I question. He flinches at my fierce response. He raises his hands in yield.

"Hey, hey! I'm just surprised! I didn't mean nothing!" He says, backing up slightly. The crowd behind him follows, I recognize most of them to be Vendia attendants with a few Elden aristocrats mingled in. Some of them recognize me and shrink away. What? Are they trying to collide with Vendia or something?

"Whatever. Have you seen my maid? You met her earlier at the garden." I brush off his comment and ask him again. Prince Circe pauses to think but shakes his head a second later.

"Nope, haven't seen your maid since. Hard to see anyone with them around." He gestures towards the crowd. They've actually been slinking away from us, so not too many actually heard his words.

"Oh. Okay then. Have a good day." Answer received, I quickly bow goodbye and drag Henry through the crowd.

"Hey! Hey, wait! That's it?" Prince Circe's voice calls back at us, but I don't have time to mess with him any more than I need to. I gotta find Mary!

"Are you alright, my lady?" Henry asks as we continue down the hall. I've already started breathing hard and my legs feel even weaker than I thought possible.

"Hah, Hah. I'm okay. Let's just quickly find Mary." I struggle to speak, focusing all of my strength on moving my legs and breathing.

"It is much farther? I think we should rest a bit." Henry suggests.

"No, let's keep going. We're almost there." I shake my head.

All guests have to be checked in the main hall. Most guests are also residing at the main hall for the event. I've also stayed in one of the main hall rooms but moved elsewhere to meet with Prince Orion as he didn't like staying in the main hall. Vanessa should be staying at one of the main guest rooms and Mary must have encountered Vanessa on her route to find a proper vase for the flowers. 

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