Part 38

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"Yes?" I ask.

"I was inquiring if you need to go and meet up with Orion to finish arranging the competition. It has been a while." She looks up to the sky. It has darkened a bit. Wow. I didn't know it has been this long.

"OH! I didn't notice!" I exclaimed.

"We should head out then. Thank you for your help." I excuse myself.

"Mm! Of course! It's always nice to talk with you. Please send my regards to your father. I know it has been hectic for him" She smiles.

"Of course." I nod.

"Let's go!" I address Henry and Mary. They nod and we all quickly bow and wave goodbye.

We met up with Prince Orion and Bella in the resting area in the upper north gardens to eat lunch. We plan on discussing how the judging and reward system would be implemented and any other remaining details. I think Henry, Prince Orion, and Bella will continue their training and practicing afterward. 

Hmm. What should I do to pass the time till tomorrow? Since Queen Solana is helping us organize and send notices, we've covered mostly everything. Let's just hope that it runs smoothly.

"So Bella went and smoked our top rider when testing the course. She blazed through the obstacle course too! Like it was nothing!" Prince Orion said excitedly.

"Ah, I was able to practice a bit before we actually raced. So I did have an advantage." She blushed.

"Ooh, so then is Bella the best rider here at the castle?" Mary asks, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"For sure! Maybe even better than my brother!" Prince Orion shakes with happiness, his drink slightly spilling.

"Hey, you're spilling!" I exclaimed. His tea splashes on my dress. Dang it! I just bought this one! It's made out of luxury silk!

"Oh shoot! Sorry!" He moves his cup away and Mary passes me a handkerchief. I dip it in some water and rub it. I don't think it'll stain since it was just some fruit tea. Luckily we voted to drink fruit over regular black tea.

"So we will be holding three different types of races with three varying levels of skill. A classic race, obstacle course, and a couple's race." Bella lists.

"Couple's race?" I ask.

"Yeah, it was an idea from Bella. Basically two people ride one horse and race to collect standing flags. It allows someone skilled and not so skilled to play together and win." Prince Orion explains.

"One person is in charge of collecting and scouting for flags and the other is controlling the horse. Each pair will be assigned a color and will collect their respective colored flag that's hanging from a standing rack. So the winning team is the one that collects the most flags. Stealing or destroying the racks will eliminate teams to discourage cheating and sabotage." Bella adds.

"How interesting. Two solo races and one teamed race. And with varying skill levels. This will allow many people to enjoy the event regardless of skill level and prevent domination of the entire event by one person." Henry marvels.

"Pretty impressive." I nod.

"So when is the mock event going to be held? In the afternoon or earlier?" Mary asks.

"Probably in the afternoon, there will be more guests arriving so we'll be able to have more participates join and it will reflect the actual event better." I said. 

Most of the guests will be arriving tomorrow to rest and relax before the actual welcoming ball starts. We'll be able to use them to test out how smoothly our arrangements are.

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