Part 30

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"We greet your majesty." Henry and I quickly bow and greet the king. He waves for us to sit. His attendant comes from behind him, carrying stacks of paperwork. Must be hard.

"Ah, we apologize for the wait." King Drayden speaks.

"Oh no, we were just early." I wave my hands to dismiss his apology. He nods and glances toward Henry.

"And who is this?" He asks.

"Ah, this is Sir Henry, one of the knight commanders of the Thornweathers. He is accompanying me for this trip." I introduce Henry to the king. He nods again. His attendant glances up at Henry, his eyes suddenly shoot up.

"Oh! Sir Henry! It is a pleasure to be in your presence!" The king's attendant says joyfully. He leans in towards the king.

"Your majesty, Sir Henry is the son of Sir Radius and he is exceptionally skilled." He whispers.

"Oh? The son of Sir Radius? We have heard of your contributions to the war. Protecting others and skillfully defeating the opposing commanders. We thank you for your service." The king smiles.

"Ah, it is an honor. " Henry bows.

"Woah, you're related to Sir Radius? That's super cool! You're even more amazing than I thought!" Prince Orion exclaims. The king's attendant nods in agreement. Boy, I didn't know Henry had such a big fanbase.

"Ahem, anyway, we must get back to business" King Drayden coughs. His attendant nods and pulls out a stack of papers.

"From my understanding, Lady Annelise Thornweather and Prince Orion Eldentower wish to end their engagement to pursue other interests. The engagement was previously set by King Drayden and Duke Gerald Thornweather on Prince Orion's 9th birthday." The king's attendant states, reading off of a piece of paper. Prince Orion nods.

"Yes, me and Annelise have decided to end it because I like Bella and Annelise..?" He starts but gets confused and turns towards me.

"Is not interested in marrying someone who likes someone else." I finish. The king's attendant nods and writes something down.

"As per tradition, both the deciding parties and the parties involved must show agreement on the abolishment of the engagement. Prince Orion and Lady Annelise have verbally shown their opinions on the engagement. We only require King Drayden's and Duke Gerald's permission to completely end the engagement." He reads. I glance up at Henry. He grabs something from his shirt pocket and places it on the table between the two couches.

"This is the seal of the Thornweathers. Duke Gerald gifted this as his consent to the abolishment of the engagement" Henry says, the small insignia glimmers in its glory. The Thornweather's seal basically holds all of the authority of the Thornweather Dukedom, whoever holds the insignia has all of the power. The king's attendant leans forward to admire the seal.

"Woo, the Thornweather seal. How resplendent." He says in awe. King Drayden also admires it and nods towards Henry.

"How prepared. We understand now that this decision has not been made rashly." He speaks. I nod. Yeah, my father gave Henry his seal just in case we needed it. Only my father, the current Duke Thornweather, and my older brother, who will be the next duke, holds the seal.

"Your majesty, do you give consent to the abolishment of the engagement?" The king's attendant turns towards King Drayden. The king thinks for a moment.

"We see that both parties are not interested and have given it much thought..." He slowly speaks.

"We do not completely support the end of this engagement but we shall permit it. With conditions." He finishes. Conditions?

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