Part 24

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"By the way, did you still want me to go and collect information about Prince Orion's lover?" Mary asks. I nod.

"Yes, right now, it's my word against the royal family. If the king doesn't want to accept that Prince Orion likes someone else and wants to break off the engagement, it would be good to have proper evidence for the engagement process." I said.

"Alright. I can go and talk with the servants of the royal family to see if there is support for Prince Orion's lover or not. It would make it smoother and help the general public support their relationship and your engagement ending ." Mary suggests.

Henry raises his hand. I gesture for him to talk.
"So Prince Orion is in love with someone else?" He asks. I nod. Mary sighs.

"He's too honest and openly told Lady Annelise," Mary informs. Henry looks shocked.

"Is that a good thing?" He questions. I shrug.

"Well, yes, in that the engagement process will be easier. But no, in that Prince Orion was planning on telling everyone at Prince Caelum's welcoming ball." Mary explains.

"....He was just going to announce something like that in front of everyone?" Henry looks bewildered. I shake my head.

"He's too simple. He wasn't thinking of what others would think." I said.

"Prince Orion has always been sheltered so he hasn't really experienced the nastiness of the socialites or properly understood the impact of his announcement. He innocently just thought it would be convenient to inform everyone and break off the engagement at the same time." I added.

"The king wouldn't be able to do anything if the whole nobility knew of the prince's interests and the broken engagement. He would only make the Thornweathers angry by continuing to push for the engagement when it was revealed that Prince Orion doesn't like me. My father would never let me be the mistress in the relationship, especially if both sides are not interested. I would also do everything in my power to prevent that from happening." I elaborated.

"Certainly, I wouldn't like it if you married Prince Orion." Henry nods.




I look at Mary, trying to communicate telepathically with her.

"Did he say that?" I ask with my eyes.

"I heard it." Mary bulges hers in response.
I squint my eyes at her. Mary blinks rapidly. Henry looks confused.

"What you are doing?" He asks. We turn to look at him weirdly.

"Um, it's nothing," I say sweetly. Should I be blushing or confused by this? He doesn't seem to be aware of what he said. Maybe he was just thinking of upholding the Thornweather pride.

"I don't know if you're aware or not but I support it. Work hard," Mary says, giving Henry a thumbs up. I hit her on the arm. What are you saying?!?

"?" Henry looks extremely confused, but still politely copies Mary's thumbs-up. I smack my head. This day has been so weird.

After talking about random stuff, we finished up eating and helped Mary with the dishes. Henry puts the chair back and pushes the cart that Mary brought. She helps me into my pajamas and fixes my hair.

"Have a good night Lady Annelise," Henry says as he leaves my room. I wave at him goodnight. Mary pulls the curtains closed and turns off the light.

"Good night my lady." She said, disappearing into the darkness.

"Good night Mary!" I called out.

Hmm. I will be eating with the royal family tomorrow. Prince Orion's fine, but should I bring the matter of our engagement up during the meal or wait and schedule a meeting with the king? I guess it would be better to schedule a meeting, for formality's sake. I just hope that Prince Orion won't do anything stupid now that we have decided to end the engagement. He wouldn't be that bold to make Bella sit with us since we've decided to not be fiances anymore, would he?

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