Part 39

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"Ahhh! I'm soooo excited!! Maybe this time I'll beat my brother!" Prince Orion pumps his hands up and down.

"Prince Callum is good at horse riding?" I wondered.

I don't remember much about Prince Callum's skills. I know he's probably good at politics and war strategizing since he was the main commander during the war. King Drayden named him the second-in-command after he displayed high intelligence during the Siege of Turnback, a small but important skirmish that helped us gain a foothold into the Vendia territory and closer to claiming the capital. I think that was also when he got injured and was nursed by to health by Princess Echina. There was a total lockdown in that area to prevent Elden troops from gaining supplies outside of Vendia.

"Yeah, he's one of the best riders in Elden. Before I started learning with Bella, he would take me riding with him during his monthly excursions around Elden. Once he becomes reigning king, I might have to replace him and go around the area." Prince Orion speaks.

"Hopefully I'll be able to tag along. I've been speaking with mother about changing her mind on making me stay as a royal palace maid forever." Bella says.

"That would be so good! We could travel the world together!" Prince Orion grabs her hands tightly.

"Oh? You want to become a knight?" Mary asks confused. Bella shakes her head.

"No, I don't want to be a knight or a maid. I've been studying and practicing to become an attendant under Prince Orion. I want to aid him in helping his kingdom and travel together." Bella explains.

"How noble." Henry marvels.

"Isn't she cool? I've asked my teachers to teach Bella so she can help me in my studies and when I start my princely duties!" Prince Orion brags.

"Oh, so you are learning about politics and law-making?" I take a sip of my tea.

"Just the bare minimum. We've only just started since I had to learn about other things that I've missed when I was with my grandpa." Prince Orion answers.

"Yes, and the teachers only come twice a week, so there isn't that much time spent on his studies." Bella points out.

"Ehhh. Then you must have had a lot of free time on your hands. Huh?" I stare at Prince Orion suspiciously.

"Yes! I've been going horse riding and hunting with Bella mostly." Prince Orion smiles.
"Hmm.. too busy to join me and watch a play?" I stare at him harder. 

Can't believe this! This rascal's been going on non-stop dates with his little maid and rejecting my invitations when I was still in love with him!

"Ahh, you know..." Prince Orion avoids my staring.

"I deeply apologize for my actions. I didn't know Prince Orion has been rejecting your invitations." Bella bows.

"Hey! I wasn't interested in watching that boring play, okay? Riding horses with Bella is waaay more fun!" Prince Orion tries to explain.

"Boring?!" I look completely offended. The Twin Sister's Secret Redevous is NOT boring! A classic romance with the other sibling's twin sister and their personal bodyguard is spicy and extremely dramatic! It's full of suspense and heartbreak!

"Boring?!" Mary also exclaims. She fake faints.

"Oh, Lady Annelise. The horror of such a response!" She grabs my hand.

"To think someone of such noble upbringing thinks of this grand perfection of a play as mere boredom is unthinkable!" We fake weep in sadness.

Mary and I ended up going together since Prince Orion rejected my invitation. I had already bought the tickets and I wanted to go. Luckily, Mary shares the same interest in romance as me so it was a blast.

"Um.." Henry looks at us weirdly.

"Hey! You can like your things and I can like mine! You don't even like horse riding or anything that involves physical labor!" Prince Orion calls me out.

"Ah!" I act as if I was shot in the heart. "Such a weak comeback. What nobleman's daughter does physical activities? I've been brought up to not have to worry about having a lot of strength anyways." I shrug.

"That is why I brought Henry in the first place." I glance over at Henry. He stops mid-chew to look at me.

"Wha-?" He says with his mouth full.

"Yes, I brought you to protect me so I don't have to do anything that involves lots of physical labor. Right?" I emphasize my words.

"Uh.. yes?" He looks confused but still nods.

"Eh, did you really bring Henry over to protect you? I thought you didn't like having lackeys and guards tagging along." Prince Orion peers suspiciously at me.


"Geez, you don't have to shout! I get it. I get it!" Prince Orion covers Bella's ears and winces.

"My lady, you're overreacting a bit." Mary rolls her eyes.

"Hm. I thought Lady Annelise and Sir Henry were together. They look quite well together." Bella drops a bombshell.

"Ahhhhhh, you know! I just came here for the ball and to end the engagement." I stammer.

"Oh, no, you are right, Miss Bella. Lady Annelise brought me here to be lovers." Henry smirks, figuring out something.

"YOU'RE DATING?!?!?" Prince Orion jumps up, shocked. 

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