Part 37

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We met Queen Solana at one of the small tea gardens, appropriately named so with a dainty gazebo furnished with everything you may need for a fancy tea party. Each tea garden houses an assortment of unique flowers centered around a theme for ladies to admire while drinking. The one we're in is based on the moonlight with gorgeous lavender and indigo flowers surrounding us. The greenery is also filled with dense dark greens, creating a quiet and slightly dark feel, even in the middle of the day.

Queen Solana is already sitting at the table, appropriately decked out with an assortment of light snacks and a matching royal purple tea set. Probably a gift from a neighboring kingdom.

"We greet your royal majesty." We say in unison, slightly bowing. She waves for us to sit.

"Welcome. Come sit. I have been informed by King Drayden and the servants of your situation." Queen Solana speaks.

"Yes, we ask for your aid in organizing the competition. We need help running the event because we want to have many different types of races so more people can participate." I elaborate further.

"And the rewards for winning?" Queen Solana starts.

"..Hopefully funded by the Royal Treasury, but the Thornweathers can provide monetary coverage for the equipment and extra hired help?" I say, sheepishly.

"I see why not, since this is all because of my husband's unusual request." She sighs.

"I don't know what he thinks this accomplishes. Orion and Caelum are two different people. He can not expect them to share the same ideologies as his predecessors. Times change and we are in a state of peace at the moment." She sighs again. Um.... I guess?

"Uh, yes?" I take a sip of my tea. We only came to get help, didn't know we would get a glimpse of royalty conflicts too.

"Disregard my ramblings, I know that these matters are not of worth to you." Queen Solana brushes off her previous sentences.

"Let us get straight to business. I have already sent word to the higher noblewomen society of the event. With the notices you've already sent out, the majority of our attendants and guests should be informed of the event by the time of the welcoming ball. We will also announce it the day of." She says.

"I would assume that you have already informed the servants and simply need additional help in organizing all of the competitors for each race and assigning the appropriate rewards and judging system. That can be easily done." Queen Solana takes a sip of her tea to quench her throat.

"Wow! Thanks for all of this!" I say happily. This is so much easier with the power of royalty!

"It would have been solely my responsibility in the first place. My husband probably just wanted to create better feelings between the two of you. He still does not think of Orion's feelings as genuine." Queen Solana says sadly.

"Well, maybe this event will prove him otherwise," I suggest. I guess the relationship between Prince Orion and King Drayden is a little rockier than I thought.

"Hopefully so." She smiles slightly. She looks over my shoulder.

"Oh, and who might..?" She starts. I turn around and see that Henry was standing behind me. He quickly bows. Queen Solana looks at Henry closely.

"I greet your majesty," Henry speaks.

"My! Are you perhaps, Sir Henry, son of Sir Radius? You share similar stature and eyes." She looks slightly surprised.

"Yes, Sir Radius is my father." Henry nods.

"How delightful it is to meet you. I have heard much about your grand endeavors. The kingdom of Elden does greatly thank you for your services." She smiles.

"Ah, it is my duty to serve." He waves his hands flusteredly. I sniggered. Is Henry nervous in front of the Queen? Wait! Does he like Queen Solana? The thought sends a pang of sadness. Sadness? Should I be sad about this? Why am I sad about this? We're just friends, yeah? I mean, Henry is quite good looking, talented, and a great guy. It's more like I'm not normal if I don't like this fine gentleman! Yeah, who wouldn't like Henry? Does Queen Solana like Henry? She could totally have a crush on him. Why else is she interested in talking to him? She is the Queen of Elden, why would she talk to a random knight? Though, Henry isn't some random knight. She must be interested in Henry!

I look at Queen Solana and Henry making small talk about his efforts in the war. They look really good together. I mean, they can't be together! She's married to the King and even has two sons. She can't be with Henry! But, then why is Henry still talking with her? He must have some interest in her. She's pretty and intelligent. Maybe it's just unrequited love on Henry's part?

I study Henry a bit. He seems flustered to say the least. But nothing much else. Maybe he's just nervous talking to the Queen? He actually didn't say much when we were talking with King Drayden, so maybe I just misunderstood? I felt confused.

"-dy Annelise? Lady Annelise?" Queen Solana's voice shakes me from my thought. I look up to see everyone staring at me. What's going on?

** I hope you guys are enjoying the story. I've been trying to make the chapters longer since they are quite short. Thanks for reading!

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