Chapter 23

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(An:// Picture on the side is relationship goals omg!)
*Harrys POV*

Gemma had slept in my room last night, to make sure I wasn't alone. She let me cry on her shoulder, she'd rub my back when my breathing sped up.
I pretended I fell asleep, but the image just kept playing in my head. No, I wasn't sure Louis and Niall were having sex, but Niall was on top of Louis kissing him eagerly. I regret walking in on them, yet again I don't. I was going to forgive Louis.
He tried texting me last night, but Gemma took my phone. He also knocked on my door but she told him to 'Fuck Off'.
My mum decided to bring me breakfast in bed, considering I don't want to get up, and see Louis. Everything is messed up, and hazy. Wishing this was all a dream, Louis walked in my room.
"Get out." I said blankly. He looked down and ruffled his messy hair.
"I deserved that." He said taking a seat at the end of my bed.
"What don't you understand from the terms 'get out' not that hard to understand." I told him, refusing to let any tears fall.
"I was lonely, and Niall was there, we weren't going to have sex if that's what you thought." He had told me. "And it's not like we are dating so I really did nothing wrong." He added, causing me to scoff.
"You ruined my friendship because I'm never talking to you or Niall again. Now go screw." I told him, and this time he listened considering he actually left.
The last thing I wanted at this time was to be alone, so I thought back to the time I cried in the bathroom and a boy named Ashton was there for me.
I decided to hit him up and see if he wanted to hang out, we've been texting quite a bit, and maybe he can be my new best friend, considering he's my only friend other than Michael.
Around two hours later I was getting ready to leave for Ashton's. That's when my mum stopped me.
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"To my friends house." I responded simply, but a look of distrust crossed her face.
"Then I'm driving and picking you up." She told me, acting like I'm a ten year old.
"Mum I can drive myself." I insisted, but she shook her head and grabbed her keys, while slipping on her shoes.
The car ride was awkward, but she finally spoke up.
"Gem told me what happened with Louis. I'm so sorry Har. I know it must be tough but I talked to Mrs.Tomlinson, and she gave me a raise. We can move out." She told me.
"Mum, you don't have to, we barely made it by before." I insisted, not wanting to end up homeless again. But she shook her head.
"No no no. The court date is in three days, and I'm positive we will win this case, and she said that if we win, then she will pay to buy us a house, which i tried saying no to, but she did say this case could make her lose millions of dollars. So if we win the case, we get a house, and money." She told me.
"No more suffering?" I asked, and she nodded. After pulling up to Ashton's house I kissed my mum on her cheek and knocked on the door. My mum had driven away, and no one had answered the door. I tried calling Ashton but he never answered.
I walked around the back, seeing if he was there, still no Ashton. Causing me to peek in a window, seeing Calum sitting on Ashton's bed, covering his ears, crying.
I tapped on the window getting his attention and he opened it so I could get in.
"Where's Ashton?" I asked. But a loud crash was heard in the other room, "I made his girlfriend leave so she wouldn't have to hear it again." He said.
Peeking out his door, I saw Ashton get slapped in the face.
"He's coming this way" I said.
"Hide." Calum said, rushing in the closet. And I went under the bed.
"Get into bed you fucking screw up!" I heard his dad say, as Ashton fell in here, with his door slamming. I crawled out from under the bed, and went over to him, comforting him as he cried into my shoulder.
"I'm so sorry this happened to you. How long has this been going on?" I asked. He shook his head, probably meaning for a long time.
"I-It's not fair." He said. "H-He makes me feel worthless." Ashton said, hesitantly rolling up his sleeve revealing scars, many many scars.
"Please don't do this to yourself." I said.
"I don't anymore, I stopped when she came into my life. It's worse on my thighs." He told me. I just held him close. We sat like this for a while, but soon just watched movies, and Calum cuddled up to Ashton like a puppy. Soon later my mum pulled up, and I hopped out the window, and left around the back.
"Did you have fun?" She asked. I shook my head.
"He was helping me through things." I lied. I couldn't let her know he gets beat, he doesn't want that. Even though it's right, he just wants to see if things die down.
"Well, I hope he helped. Are you feeling any better?" She asked, and I nodded. Lying again.
We got home, and I wasn't in the mood to eat, I went straight to bed, just hoping my mum wins that case so I can leave this place and never see Louis again.
He knocked on my door again.
"Harry? Can we please talk" he said as he entered, hearing my small sniffles.
"Just go." I said, you could hear how broken I was.
"Harry, I screw up. A lot. I do dumb things when I'm upset, and I hate myself for that. I'm so sorry, for hurting you. I don't deserve you. I'm really not a good person, and I don't understand why you ever liked me-" I stopped him.
"Shut up." I said. "Don't try to make me come back to you. Let me be fucking mad at you. Let me hate you. Let me think you're a bad guy. Let me be upset! Don't try to make me fall for you again! I'm gonna end up leaving, I'm not living here forever. And you're just making everything worse, and you're not helping right now. I don't want to know what's going on with you and my former best friend but you're ruining my life. So just go, and don't talk to me, don't text me, don't talk about me, don't think about me. Just forget about me. I need to forget about you too." I said, while crying. I saw him crying as well but this is what we both needed. And with that left said he simply left saying a small, "I'm sorry."
But it's not okay. It's really not. And I will never forgive him. He broke me.. But the sad part is, I still love him.
1203 words!
Sorry I haven't updated in so long oh my lord!
And I now have no idea where this book is going! But oh well!
Vote/comment! It means a lot
- Amber x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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