Chapter 1

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Shouldn't I be excited about senior year? Because I'm not. Being able to see, all these obnoxious teens, walk around, pulling pranks on one another, and skipping their classes. No thank you. But at least it's away from my home. No one cares about me. Ya I have Zayn and Josh, but all they talk about is how 'sexy' these girls are, when really they look like a bunch of sluts that need to cover up, if those shirt get any shorter, well, god help them . I'm gay, I'm positive that I am gay, but I haven't came out yet. I'm scared to. My parents already hate me, if I come out, who knows, they could disown me. All I've ever wanted is to be loved. They make me feel worthless, like if I weren't here, they'd be relieved. That if I was gone, it would make their life easier. I'm just a waste of space. I'm always left out, even though I can do what ever the fuck I want. That's what kids wish for, to do what ever they want, to not have their parents care. They don't know how bad it is. It makes you feel like you don't matter, that you could be gone for god knows how long, and no one will notice, or care. No one will look for you. They won't ask about you. That you won't even cross their mind. Yes, my family is wealthy, but, all I have is my room. When ever we have a party, I'm not allowed down stairs, where everyone is. My mom says 'your embarrassing, stay in your room.' Just because I wear allot of black. I could kill myself, any time of the day, or right in front of them, they won't notice. All the family pictures we have hanging up, they cropped me out. I know they don't love me, I wish they did, but they don't. That's my life. So everyday, I leave the house, just before sunset, with my camera. I do what brings me joy. Take pictures. I go, to this beautiful location. It's on top of a hill, with long grass, that's all green, beautiful flowers, not the usual ones, they are unusual, like ones I've never seen. So many different colors, like red, pink, purple, blue, white, yellow, and orange. It's the most beautiful, at a certain time of day, sun set. The sky turns a pink, and orange color, right behind this location, and it has a dim lighting, it's truly beautiful. If I could, I would live here. So I grabbed my camera, and headed out. I have a black jeep, because I'm not a fancy person. I headed to this location, outside the city, and walked up the hill. As I reached the top, seeing all the flowers, and I see a boy, wearing a flamboyant red shirt, and wearing a red flower crown, picking the flowers. He looks different. And he's like a shadow right now, due to the lighting, so I take a picture with him in it, picking flowers. The pictures looked better with this boy in it, truly some of the best pictures I've taken. You can see his long curls, and his hand reaching down, picking a flower. But you don't see his face or his clothes, it's black. You can see the outline of his flower crown. He was beautiful. I hadn't realized I zoned out, until I see him, look up at me and smile. He had a big smile, showing deep dimples, his eyes, were beautiful, I could look at those green orbs all day. He finally picked the last of his flowers and headed off, leaving me, and this beautiful scenery.


-Amber x

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