Chapter 7

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Harry's POV


Once Louis and I, got back to the house I instantly called for my mum. "MUM GEMMA COME HERE!" I yelled. They both came rushing down, "what's wrong?" My mom asked. I lifted up the basket, and they both smiled. "So I'll be in my room, if you need me." Louis said awkwardly. "No no, come here. Your making one too!" I insisted, a smile spread across his face, as he took a seat. "I'm gonna need help..." He tells us, we all just laughed. "I thought you would." I told him. Before I made mine, I pulled out one of my other flower crowns that I hate and took it apart. "I'll guide you." I told him. "Grab a flower." I told him, and I took his hand, and we entwined it with the vine. Yes, I make real flower crowns. We placed all the flowers on, and he did some on his own. I then pulled out the leaves, and showed him how. He had trouble, so I took his hand again, and showed him how with his own hand. "Get it?" I asked. He smiled and nodded his head. I gave him his own supplies, and we all started to make flower crowns. "So Harry, how was your day?" My mom asked. "Good, I really like my art teacher." I told her. Louis looked down, and the smile, faded from his face. "Louis? What about you? How was your day?" She asked him, he told us about his day with a small smile. "Well, I finished mine, and since Mr and Mrs Tomlinson, went out with the kids, I'll make us all dinner." She told us. Gemma went to help. "Thank you." Louis told me. "For what?" I asked, he looked up at me and gave me the cutest smile, and you could tell it was real. "For, including me." He says. I couldn't help it, I went up and I hugged him. "You should be included, it makes you feel loved, even if your family doesn't accept you, you can be in our family." I told him. He looked up at me, and smiled. We both sat back down, laughing, smiling, and making flower crowns. After we finished, my mom came out with Mac and cheese, for all us. Louis looked at it, and smiled. "My parents never let me eat with them." He tells us. "They say I embarrass them." He says. I saw his hand trembling from under the table, so as Gemma and my mom weren't looking, I took his hand in mine, rubbing circles on it. He gave me a sympathetic smile, which I returned. "Louis, your a great boy, and your very sweet. Your parents must not see what a great son you are." My mom told him, and a tear rolled down his cheek. She instantly got up, and rushed to Louis to hug him, causing our hands to separate. "Thank you Anne." He told her.


Later that night, me and Louis headed up to his room. "You can take the bed." He said. I nodded, and grabbed a pair of shorts, usually I sleep in boxers, but that would make him uncomfortable. Once I got into bed, it started to rain, and thunder was included. Around twelve at night, I heard Louis whimpering. He bolted up, and came to me. "Harry, can I sleep with you... I don't like thunder." He tells me. I nodded, and lifted up the blanket, and he slid in. He rested his head on my bare chest, and I wrapped my arms around him. He's rather small, now that I think of it. Soon enough, he drifted to sleep, with a smile on his face. I couldn't help but stare at him, he's beautiful. "Goodnight Louis." I said, and placed a kiss on his head. Soon enough, I drifted to sleep as well.


Not a great chapter... Oh well.

-Amber xx

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