Chapter 17

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*picture Above is what Louis Looks like*

Louis POV

Why didn't he tell me. Eleanor. Out of all people, Eleanor had to hurt him. Send him hate? Me and El, got rather close, she tells me everything, except for the fact she bullied the one I love... I mean.. Like, the one I like. Me, and Harry have a date tonight, and so does Eleanor and Michael, I'll make sure to get back at her. Tell her boyfriend something. Once I heard Niall leave, I rushed into Harry's room. "LOUIS! Oh my god. My mom legit just gave me 'the talk'" he told me laughing a bit. But the frown did not leave my face. "You okay?" He asked, looking a bit worried. I shook my head, and I felt my eyes begin to water. He instantly rushed by my side and wrapped his arms around me. "We will get through this together." He told me. I started to smile a bit, but it immediately faded, once I realized why I was here. I pushed him away, and looked up at his shocked, yet hurt face. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, rather mad. I couldn't read how he was feeling, his face was blank. "About, what?" He asked, trying to play dumb. "Harry. Don't act dumb. You know what I'm talking about!" I spat at him. Then he broke down. He fell on to the floor, sobbing. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He told me. I rushed to his side, and instantly picked him up. We both sat on his bed, and I rubbed circles on his back until he calmed down. After fifteen minutes, he pulled out his phone. "What are you doing?" I asked. He looked down at me, then back at his phone, pulling out the app twitter. "I'm showing you what she said." He said, with no emotions, at all. He pulled out the direct message, and pressed on Eleanor's file. After a few minutes of him staring at it, he finally handed me his phone. I began to scroll.

Eleanor: Fag!
Eleanor: Die in a fukin hole.
Eleanor: No 1 luvs u.

I grimaced at her harsh words. But I continued reading.

Eleanor: so ur dating Louis? He dosnt lik u. It's a act.
Harry: what did I do to you?
Eleanor: leve him alone, fag. Go buy some cats. Ull need tem.
Harry: but..
Eleanor: shut da fuk up. U wnt do anythin. Bye fag.

Once I finished, I realized I was in tears. "There was a lot more, but I deleted them." He told me looking down in shame. "Harry. Don't listen to her, she's wrong." I told him. He was still crying, so I pulled him in for a hug. It's time I say it. "But, she was right about one thing. I never liked you." I told him, he looked down. "W-what?" I shook my head. "Harry, I fell in love with you the day we met." I told him, and he began to smile. "Y-You love me?" He asked, whipping away the tears. I nodded, "one hundred and fifty percent." I told him, the smile on his face couldn't get any bigger. "I love you too!" He told me, tightening the grip of our hug. We just sat there, hugging in silence. "We have A date tonight." I told him. He gave me a disappointed look. "No song?" He said smiling, so I pushed him off the bed. "Hey." He said, being held up by his arms. I got up and straddled him, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pressed my lips against his. At first the kiss was slow, and light, then he pressed harder, and moved our lips together faster. Soon I trailed my tongue on his bottom lip asking for entrance, and he immediately granted, I let my tongue roam his mouth, I then felt him start to unbutton his shirt, and I stopped. We pulled away, "no. Not like this." I told him. He buttoned up his shirt in embarrassment. "Sorry." He said. I pecked his lips lovingly, "it's okay love. We should start getting ready." I told him, he nodded in agreement, and I walked out of his room. Once I entered my room, I immediately went towards my closet. I picked out a Nirvana T-Shirt, and ripped skinny jeans. I let my hair do what ever the hell it wants, and decided on my black Vans. Once I got out, Harry came out of his room, wearing a light blue button up, dark blue jeans, vans, that were designed to look like the sky, and a white flower crown. "You look.. Great!" I told him, and a blushed formed on his cheeks, as he smiled looking down at the floor. "As do you." He told me, and I smiled at him. "I have to go on my date." I told him, and he giggled. "Have fun." He said. "Oh I will." I told him as I winked. I walked out of the house and into my jeep to pick up Eleanor. Once I got to her house, and see her walk out anger weld inside of me. How could she do that to Harry? She got into the car and smiled sweetly at me, which I returned. "Hey loser!" She calls out. "Hey bitch." I say, this is what we do, we call each other mean names, but this time I meant it. "Why thank you."she says, with hand gestures. "Trust me it's not a compliment." I say with an attitude. She gave me a shocked look. "Okay then." And we headed of to the carnival. "So, did you end it with Luke?" I asked, considering she's had an affair with him while dating Michael. "Lou, I tried, it's so hard. I think I love him." She told me. I scoffed, she doesn't know what love is. "So, what about Michael?" I asked. She breathed out deeply, "I love him more. And that's that. What's up with all the questions?" She asked. To ruin your life bitch. "Just wondering. He is gonna meet you here right?" I asked. She nodded, "He is at the entrance." She told me. As we pulled up, I saw Harry. "Harry's here!" I shout with excitement. "I like Harry, but Louis, just be careful, he could hurt you." She tells me. Sure you like him. We both got out of the car, greeted by Michael and Harry. "I like your shirt." Michael tells me with a thick Australian accent. He has red hair, brighter than mine, he's wearing a shirt that says "idiot" and ripped skinny jeans, with black Vans. "Thanks mate." I tell him, and I walked over to Harry, who was looking at Eleanor. "Don't worry. I'm gonna ruin this bitch." I told him. I invited Luke here, and he can tell Michael all about him and Eleanor. He gave me a worried look. "This is about me and you." He told me, I nodded. "Harry, this is for us." I told him, and he nodded. Me and Harry followed Michael and Eleanor around, and I finally saw Luke. "Luke, go ahead and hug Eleanor." I told him. But with a matter of seconds this back fired. Michael got down on one knee. "Oh shit." Harry said. I ran to Luke, but he already hugged Eleanor. Me and Harry ran up to them. "Hey guys." I said awkwardly. "Eleanor, who is he?" Michael asked. You could see the shock on her face, she was speechless. So, Luke spoke up, "she's my Bæ, el, you are coming over tonight right?" Luke asked. Michael was completely shocked. "W-What? She's my girlfriend. I just asked her to marry me.. I mean, I did get her pregnant." Michael said. "Your pregnant?" I added. Luke laughed. "Bruh, that's my baby, we didn't use protection like three times." He said. Michael soon teared up. "Eleanor, this is a joke right?" He asked, letting a few tears run down his cheek. That's when Eleanor started to cry, "I'm so sorry." She told Michael. He closed the ring box and ran off, luckily Harry ran after him. "El?" I asked, Luke walked away. "Was this a set up or something!" She yelled. I nodded and smiled. "How dare you bully Harry. And it's wrong to have an affair when you love your boyfriend. You let Luke knock you up." I spat at her. "Fuck you! LOUIS! You legit ruined everything for me! He was going to propose." She said, full on sobbing. "He would have found out. Don't turn this around on me." I fired at her. She shook her head. "Your dead to me!" She said, running off to Luke. You've been dead to me since you bullied my boyfriend. Soon later, I saw Harry, and he was shocked. "Why would you do that?" He asked. "What? I helped Michael. She was cheating on him. She didn't think she was wrong." I told him. He shook his head and started walking backwards. "I thought I knew you. I thought you were a good person, and that you would never do anything like this!" He told me. I tried to walk closer to him but he backed up more. "Harry, I was trying to help. I mean, she, she bullied you." I tried to explain. "This was wrong. And it was mean." He said, as he ran. But little did I know, he didn't run to the house.

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