Chapter 5

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'my life use to be so great. I was loved. I belonged. When I was thirteen, I got a girlfriend, Eleanor, my parents loved her, but I didn't. I knew I didn't. I knew I didn't like girls. So I broke up with her, planning to tell my parents I'm gay.' I paused for a moment, letting a few tears out. 'But, when I got home, my mom was furious with me, she found out about me and Eleanor breaking up, and lost her job, considering Eleanor's dad owns the business. My mom brought most of our money, from that job. She screamed at me for what I did. I knew my family didn't accept gays so I kept it a secret. It needs to stay that way. My dad hit me for a year, then soon gave up, they are embarrassed because of me. They hate me. But the sad thing is, I still love them. I don't feel wanted or needed or loved. No one should feel like this Harry.' I told him, with loads of tears running down my cheeks. He lifted my chin up and looked me right in the eye, he whipped the tears away and said 'You, are strong. Don't let them bring you down. Your a great person.' I nodded in response, and he pulled me into his chest. We sat there for a while, cuddling. It was relaxing. I felt loved. I felt, happy. It's been a long time since I've felt that. 'Its already twelve Lou, I should go.' Harry told me. I nodded. Before getting up, he kissed my head. 'We will talk tomorrow okay?' He asked. 'Okay.' I told him. A blush formed on his cheeks, 'Okay.' He said again. I giggled, as he walked away. Later on, I drove home, with Harry on my mind. He isn't like other people I know. He actually cares. He's different. He some how understands. It's amazing. There is something about him, that grabs my eye. As I pulled into my drive way, I ran into the house, receiving a glare from my mom. 'You are strong. Don't let them bring you down.' Harry told me. I smiled at her, and walked upstairs, into my room. I jumped on my bed, not bothering to change, and fell asleep. With Harry Styles on my mind.



I woke up that morning, actually excited to go to school. I have algebra for long block today, meaning I have long block with Harry. He's like a real friend. I don't know what it is about him, he's just, different, so bubbly, and sweet, the opposite of me. I opened up to him last night, not telling him everything. I didn't tell him I almost killed myself, or that I use to get bullied and cut, but I got over that by high school. I never felt like I deserved anything, that I was worthless and will never be loved. But, when I'm with Harry, I forget about all of that. It's amazing what he can do for me. I got up, and pulled out ripped skinny jeans, and a plain black v-neck. I put on my black vans, and put a little quiff in my hair, it's been a while since I've actually styled it. I soon headed out by seven, and got to school. Once I went to my locker, I saw Harry, wearing a pink button up shirt, and a yellow flower crown, with light blue skinny jeans. Once I had what I needed I walked over to him. "Hey Harry!" I said, he soon looked over to me, it looks as if he was about to say something then stopped. "What is it?" I asked. "Your hair...." He trailed off. He hates it doesn't he! "It's amazing!" He exclaimed. A blush formed on my cheeks. "You know, I should head off to home room." I told him. He nodded in response. I walked away, and had a really strong feeling someone was looking at me. I turned around and it looked like Harry was staring at my butt, his eyes met mine, and his cheeks turned a deep shade of red, as he turned around as fast as he could. I smiled to myself. I was almost at my homeroom when I heard something. "Please! Please! Just leave me alone!"

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