Chapter 16

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Harry's POV

After the whole... Sex thing.... Louis and I haven't talked a lot. He's been hanging around with Eleanor, a lot. I'm not too fond of Eleanor. I moved here because of her, she has always been mean to me. I have yet to tell Louis that she's been sending me hate on twitter, and I don't plan on telling him, considering I don't want to start drama. What if Eleanor is trying to get him back? Louis is my world, I can't lose him!

So, I decided to figure a few things out. I went on my labtop and searched "how gay sex works" as I was scrolling through it, I wanted to throw up. What does it mean by thrust? I don't understand. Soon enough, my mother walked into the room, and I immediately shut my laptop. "Harry, Niall is here." She tells me with a suspicious look. I nodded my head and walked past her, and out the door.

Anne's POV

Instantly when I walked in, he shut his laptop. Usually Harry tells me everything, it's not like him to keep secrets. So I went on his laptop, and unlocked it, it took a few tries, but the password was Louis. When I looked on it, I saw him on a website, "how does gay sex work?" Was in his history, along with "how do you thrust?" "What does flick your wrist mean?" It's obvious he's being pressured. I decided to look around his room, and under his bed, is a box of condoms... I think it's time to have the talk.


Niall and I walked back into my room, seeing my mom, with my laptop open, holding the box of condoms Gemma gave me. "We are going to talk about this Harry." She told me in a harsh voice. Niall ran to my laptop, reading everything and started to laugh, so hard he fell off my bed. "Harry! Getting a little impatient aren't cha!" Niall chuckled. I grabbed my pillow and started to hit him. Later on, we still were wresting, but somehow Niall managed to straddle me! Louis walked in on us, and stared at the box of condoms. I threw Niall off of me and walked over to Louis. "Uh, we were wresting.. And my mom went through my room." I explained. He simply nodded, and walked out. "By the way Harry, we can't hang out tomorrow, me and el, we are going to the carnival together." He calls out. I looked at Niall, "I'll be right back." He nodded and went on my laptop, and started to laugh again. I walked into Louis room, and shut the door. "Louis, I though we were going to go to the carnival together." I told him, leaving an awkward silence. He smirked, and rushed over to me, placing his lips on mine. Once we pulled apart he smirked again, "we are going together, it's the first time we are trying this fake dating thing." He tells me. I smiled and bent down, placing my lips on his. "Well I should get back to Niall." I told him. He looked disappointed, but understood. I walked back to Niall, seeing him actually reading the things I looked up. "Niall!" I asked, causing him to jump. "Harry, why did you look this up?" He asked, with a blank look. "Why are you reading it?" I asked curiously. A blushed formed on his face. "Harry, I, I think I might me b-b" he couldn't finish, so I helped. "Bisexual?" I asked, and he nodded. "What made you think that?" I asked him. The blush on his cheeks to get a darker shade of red. "Cause, someone named Liam, he's been hanging out with me when you blew me off, and.. He makes me really happy." He told me, causing me to smile. "Liam Payne?" I asked. He nodded in response. "I'm sorry I've been blowing you off Niall, I didn't mean to, it's just, I don't know if I can say." I told him, and he scoffed. "Harry! I'm your best friend, you can tell me anything, and I won't say a thing." He told me, causing me to smile, and I hugged him, "I missed you." I told him, he immediately hugged back, "I missed you too." He said, once we pulled apart I told him, "I'm dating Louis." I said, he smiled, "I knew it!" He yelled. I made him shut up, "no one knows though, so, you can't say anything." I told him, and he nodded. I looked down leaving an awkward silence. "What?" He asked. "Can you stay the night I don't want to have the talk." He chuckled and nodded. Later on, my mum came in. "Niall, it's time to go I need to talk to Harry." She said. He shook his head. "I'm staying the night. My mum knows." He said. She smiled. "Okay, you can hear the talk too." She told him. He shook his head, "call me when your done!" He said and rushed out, leaving me here with my mum. "So Harry, tell me everything."

Nialls POV

Since Harry is getting the talk right now, I decided to give Louis my talk. I knocked on the door, and he answered. "Can I come in?" I asked. He stepped away, gesturing for me to come in. I walked in and sat on a chair. "Please make yourself at home." He said. What a smart ass. "Harry told me you guys are dating." I said. "Please don't tell anyone!" He pleaded. "I won't. But, don't break him. He's my best friend and he's been broken before! I swear, if you hurt him, you will never hear the end of it from me. I will beat the shit out of you! He's so fragile, so so fragile! He use to get so much hate, I don't know if he still does, but he did. Especially from some girl named Eleanor, so do not hurt him. Do not pressure him. Treat him good and like royalty, or you'll be so sorry." I told him. He had a scared look on his face but nodded. No one will ever hurt my best friend.

Harry's POV

"Do you understand?" She asked. I nodded. "Mum? Can we like not do this now, or ever, Niall is here." I told her, after she just showed me a video on how to put a condom on, and using a banana, I'm never eating those again. "NIALL WE'RE DONE!" I yelled as my mom walked out the door, "I was talking to Louis, he seems pretty cool." He says, and I smiled. My best friend and boyfriend are friends now. "just don't tell him about Eleanor, she's helping him date me, I don't want to start drama." I told him. He had a guilty look on his face. "What?" I asked. "Too late."

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