Chapter 13: I Cant Change

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Louis POV;

That night, I heard sobs escape from Harry's room. He's crying because of me. I didn't sleep. I couldn't. Harry could have been the one for me, but I blew it. He'd never forgive me.

Harry's POV;

Three days. Three days. That's it. Three days. My first relationship lasted three days. I couldn't sleep last night. Louis probably slept like a baby. He's probably happy I'm not his boyfriend anymore, I don't even know if we were dating. We didn't give each other a label like that. My mom heard my sobs, but I didn't tell her, she just comforted me. I can't leave my room today, I can't face him. It feels as if there's this huge weight on my chest, so I went on twitter. Hate. Hate. And more, hate.

"Die flower crown boy."

"No one post on this wall he's gay, you'll get infected!"

"Kill yourself."

"No one likes you."

"You'll be alone forever."

The worst one. Was from Eleanor Calder.

"He never loved you. He never will."

How did she know? This is just too much for me. I don't know what to feel anymore. It is currently 5:37, I should start getting ready. I pulled out my dark grey sweater and pulled it over my head, with right black skinny jeans, and I put on my boots. I didn't bother putting on a flower crown. If everyone hates the flower crowns, I just won't wear them anymore. I'm sick of being hated on. I grabbed my bag, and headed out the door, smashing into Louis, who's eyes are also puffy and red. His eyes looked hurt, and they teared up at the sight of me, my eyes did the same. "S-Sorry." He apologizes for bumping into me. I just nodded, I don't want to speak to anyone as of now. I ran down the stairs, and out the house, before I let the tears fall. They wouldn't stop coming! I hated it! How could he do that to me! Was it all for a laugh! Was it a dare? I don't understand. I looked up at the house, and saw Louis looking at me crying, tears rolled slowly down his cheeks, so I ran. I ran to school, and into the bathroom. I cried. "Hello?" I heard an angelic voice call out. I walked out of the bathroom, seeing a boy, with a band t-shirt, ripped skinny jeans and curly brown hair looking at me."s-sorry." I told the boy. "Why are you crying?" He asked. I shook my head. "Long story." I said, whipping my eyes. "I've got time." He tells me with a smile, showing off his deep dimples. "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm Ashton, Ashton Irwin. I'm new here, from Australia." He tells me. "Harry, Harry Styles." I told him, and he smiles once more.

Louis POV;

I saw him crying, outside the house, I couldn't take it, I started to cry as well. He saw me. He ran away. I did this to him. I'm such an awful person. I got dressed in my black appearance as usual, and headed to school. I looked at my beat up car, and remembered when Harry and I held hands, when we'd kiss, before we got out. When I left him at the house, and ended up in the hospital, when I crashed the car with my little sister in it. I let the tears fall down freely, not wanting to fight them. I kept my head down and walked to school. Once I reached the school, I saw a mop of curls, with no flower crown. Another boy was next to him, he's rather attractive, but Harry is perfect. I rushed to my locker, before the tears came once more, I fought them. There is a huge weight on my chest. I made both our lives unbearable. I cause most my pain, Harry, helped the pain go away. It was like he was made for me. I grabbed my books and headed to Algebra, knowing Harry would be there as well. I sat in my seat, and saw him and the boy walk in. "Class this is Ashton Irwin, you can take a seat at the end with James Vazquez. James raise your hand." The teacher says. He's on the other side of the class room, away from me and Harry. Harry sat down and kept his head down. So I passed a note

Louis: no flower crown?

He handed it back to me.

Louis: please don't ignore me!

Harry; why?

Louis; because, can we still be friends?

Harry; no.

After that he stopped passing notes. When he said "no" I killed me. I wanted to cry. I lost him, I lose everything.

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