Chapter 1

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Alarms sounded all over the cargo ship. Perhaps it wasnt the best vessel for the New Republic to lend Leia for this mission. She preferred the Millenium Falcon even if she felt the ship was one grappling hook away from falling apart. No, that wasnt very fair, the ship had become like a second home, and unfortunately, that home was somewhere on the other side of the Galaxy. She was sent with her brother, who preferred an X-Wing, R2-D2 and her trusty protocol droid C-3PO.

"Are you sure this is the right co-ordinance?" Luke asked as he tried his best to pilot the Thalassa.

"Yes, I'm sure. This is the spot." Leia agreed as she looked at the map R2-D2 had projected into the Navi-computer. Of course, it was an old map; the cosmos was constantly moving. However, this was it. There was something in Leia that just knew. "Feel it, Luke," she suggested as she looked at her brother.

Nodding, Luke closed his eyes. Yes, there was a path through the nebular, a narrow one that could only be taken at lightspeed but one nonetheless. It was odd like something was guiding them through, like a thread in a weave being pulled through.

"HWK- Two Ninety light freighter, this is Control. You have entered Kheb airspace. Please submit your flight plans and state your business," came the voice in heavily accented basic as they neared an orbital station

"Submitting our flight plan," Luke said with a nod to R2-D2.

"We read you, Freighter," the voice said. "Landing pad one is yours."

"Thank you, Control," Luke replied politely as he steadily landed the freighter.

To Leia, who had seen almost all kinds of docking bays the Galaxy had to offer, this was simply a crop circle paired with a shack. On their way down, they had seen younglings run to the temple; now, a woman dressed in what looked like temple robes stood by the shack. Then, turning to her brother, she instructed the droids to stay with the ship, "and before you ask, C-3PO, I don't know what to expect. But, my father said that these people are kind. So for now, I'll trust that."

"Things may have changed, Leia; it has been some time since...." Neither of them liked to speak of it. "The force is with us."

"Yes, indeed," Leia agreed.


As the ramp lowered, the senator saw the face she had from memory from so long ago. Before she could say a word, Luke trusted his hand at the woman. "Luke Skywalker, and my sister Senator...."

"Princess Leia Organa," the woman said as I took the young man's hand but looked into the eyes of the young girl who had gone to be a strong woman. "I'm Maja Skou, Jedi Master and local religious leader.

"I remember you," Leia replied with a nod. "It was so long ago, but I do remember you."

Looking at his sister, Luke was surprised. He hadn't expected to meet a Jedi. His sister's childhood memories were sure to be vague, but here she was, maybe.

"What brings you to Kheb?" Master Maja Skou asked as she ushered them to follow her.

"The Senate has tried its best to clean things up after the Empire's fall. Part of that is bringing former Inquisitors to justice."

That's what this visit was about. Luke could tell she knew the time would come; she had foreseen it.


"So, what is this about?" Master Scarre asked as he looked around the circle and then at me. I had gathered a small number of Jedi and local planetary leaders. Quite honestly, Kheb was my home. In many ways, I represented the next generation of Jedi who had one foot in both local force religious cult camps and Jedi. In saying that, the lines were not as straightforward as my analogy may suggest.

"Senator Leia Organa and Jedi Master Luke Skywalker have come following the New Republic department of Galactic War Reparations," I replied. The room went silent. They all knew who they had come for.

"I knew this day would come," Master Zahava Rena said as she looked at me. "And shall we just hand her over?"

"She is to stand trial for her actions as an Inquisitor," I said to the council.

In the back of the room, the lone figure of the First Minister stood. "Mistress Skou, are you sure this is the right move to hand her over? After all, you endorsed her role as Matriarch in the Knossos Temple."

Kaider felt she could have no place among her people. But, for the most part, this sentiment wasnt the reality. However, she had found a place for herself in the Knossos Province. She loved the quietness of life there. "What advice do you have, First Minister?" I asked as he sat back down. "What would you have me do?"

All eyes turned to the man. The point of having the council was to get all voices heard and to make considered decisions. So as he stood again, he gave me a nod of recognition. "What gives Skywalker this authority in our world? We are not a part of The New Republic."

"I support that query," Master Rena said as she looked at me. "Yet, he comes here with noble intent." Pausing for a moment, she looked around the room, then back at me. "May I suggest we take them to her posting. Let them see her role here among us. See if she is on trial now or before a New Republic jury."

Master Brauta and Master Rena were the most experience Jedi among us. Yet, Rena had seen action in the Clone Wars. In addition, she had witnessed the Jedi Purge, so everyone understood why there wasnt exactly about to trust the New Republic.

With a nod, the panel was adjourned, and I made her way to the gardens, where I had asked Luke and Leia to wait. Luke had found a comfortable seat in the shade and meditated. On the other hand, Leia stood looking at my mother's funerary statue as if reliving a memory.

"Princess," I said as she entered the garden. She wasnt the tiny yet precautious child I remembered.

"Please, Master Skou, just Leia or at the very least Senator." Looking away, she added.

"Well, in that case, you may call me Maja."

"Maja, it's a beautiful name," Leia said as she smiled.

"It's an old Khebian name meaning Of The Sea," I replied with a smile, remembering my mother's tales. "Now about your request..."

Looking at his sister, Luke looked a little confused. This mission was not a - "Request?"

"The Senate wants things to go smoothly, Luke," Leia replied. "If things go well...."

"Which I assure you it will," I added as Leia smiled.

"This will go a long way in Imperial War Reparations and diplomatic relations."

I thought back to her words; should I have been so sure, time would tell.

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