Chapter 16

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It was in the middle of the night, or too early in the morning when I woke suddenly to the sound of a blood curdling screem. Waves of panic and relief verberated throughout the apartment as I quickly made my way to the room in which Master Zahava Rena and Tori were staying. As the door wooshed opened I heard the words of reassurance from Tori who crouched infront of their master. And Rena, well she sat on the bed, shaking in fear and what she had seen in what would have been a nightmare.

"It's okay." Tori said as she stood and made their way to the door. "It hasnt happened for a while, but something must have triggered her. Councilor Rek calls them night terrors." They added as opened the medical crate.

"Night terrors?" How could I have not known about this. Wait, I did but I had been so busy with so many things that I had completely forgotten. Sitting on the bed beside I place my hand on hers. "I know I am not Brauta. But I'm here. You are safe." Looking up, I saw that Senator Organa stood with Tori at the door. "You are one with the Force and the Force is one with you."

Looking up at me I looked into her eyes. Brimming with tears she appologised. "I'm so sorry."

"No, its okay."

The following day, although tired, I met with Mon Mothma. As the door swooshed open, I was surprised to see the chancellor preparing tea. Her private office wasnt as stately as I had imagined, or even as some of the conference rooms were. It was quiet and had a view to the senate gardens.

"I think it would be a mistake to push her to do it?" I remade it as Mothma served her favourite tea.

"I think I know what you mean, but please go on." The chancellor replied as she looked up.

Remembering where I was and to whom I spoke, I stood and bowed my head. "Forgive me, I don't know why I ..." Before I could finish, she stopped me.

"I find chatting with you refreshing, not many people are so 'matter of fact' as yourself." Chancellor Mothma remarked as she sat, crossing her legs and taking a long sip of her tea. "Refreshing indeed."

Looking back up, I saw this woman who I had admired. Time was etched in her features yet she was still someone remarkable. Taking a seat and cup of tea, I centred myself and began. We spoke of Mon Mothma's plan and of Master Rena. Of anyone, Mon Mothma understood my reticence of pushing my former master to be apart of Reconciliation Day. "I thank you for your openness Chancellor." I said as I placed my now empty cup on the tea table.

Looking back to me, there was a sad look in her eye. "I fear this galaxy had been damaged beyond repair. The trust we once had has been eroded." Looking back to gardens she asked, "how can I work to restore balance?"

First you must realise that the Jedi are not the guardians of The New Republic. I wanted to say. Instead I stood and poured some tea. "Sometimes, we must trust, that we are heading in the right direction."


Meanwhile, Master Rena and Tori explored the markets. They weren't exactly avoiding the tribunal for the day, but rather making the most of the day before Rena's bacta therapy. It felt like an unreasonable fear, but her last session in the pod hadn't been pleasant. But at least Tori would be there. Anyway, they would enjoy the day.

Finding themselves in the midst of the markets they were surrounded by thousands of beings from all over te galaxy, millions of fruits, vegetables, and exotic grains. Taking a moment, Rena lower the inner wall and connected to that which surrounded her. This is what she neede, a shield against the darkness that seemed to be encircling her. Although its was the city planet of Corosaunt, Rena had missed this bustling amount of the Force.

"Ah, Master Jedi!" Came the voice of an Anzellan femail at who gently pulled on Rena's robe. "Come come, my stall full yumi food." She said as she pulled them along.

Looking to her padawan, Rena smiled. "Come along, Tori."

Of course the further they went the more fruits, vegetables, and excotic dishes were given. They were patten, prodded and loved on so much that Tori and a small Short-Range Transport (SRT) droid ended up hauling an exorbitant amound of food. It was an exsoerience that filled Rena's heart with warmpth, especially as she watched Tori thrive.

Yet, back at Hanna City's Presidential Medical Facility, Rena felt the darknes that had grown in her. So, before laying in the bacta bed, Rena and her padawan sung an ancient Jedi prayer.

Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom

The night is dark, and I am far from home

Lead thou me on

Closing her eyes, she thought of home, of Kheb and Brauta who waited for their return. 

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