Chapter 20

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In the early hours of the following day, I spent my time meditating on the evening gone by. There had been something more than just the Ambassador's health on her mind. She had been noticeably quiet. I was so focused on the Ambassador I completely missed Master Rena sitting opposite with Padawan Tori by her side. Opening my eyes, I knew I could count on her wisdom, but it seemed she needed some guidance too.

Without a word, she stood with me and nodded for Tori to stay. As we walked, we basked in the glow of the morning sun and the natural sounds of birds and other creatures of this world. The site of the refurbished temple was on a hill in the old part of Hana city, surrounded by gardens and tall skyscrapers. It had been destroyed and looted during the Imperial reign and occupation, but it still stood, albeit broken. But the beautiful Chandrillan coloured-glass windows had been replaced with new depictions of stories of survival. Stopping just outside the security gates, I turned to my former master. "I gather you have thought more over the request from the Chancellor."

"I have." She said as she turned to me. "But I can't be a part of the Jedi like it was before."

The night before, Master Rena, had meditated about it. She remembered her life in the Jedi Order so clearly. Then, sitting together, she shared it all.


"A Jedi must not form attachments!" So came the ruling from Master Mace Windu, a Jedi who Zahava Rena saw as a role model. "The council has decided you will be sent on a mission outside the temple. We hope you learn to commune with the force on a deeper level."

Zahava's master turned with a deep bow and ushered him to leave. There was no time for goodbyes. She was told to pack her bags and prepare for the long flight to the outer rim. All this is because she snuck out with Anikan Skywalker and was stupid enough to be caught. Master Obi-Wan wasnt as strict as her master, but she knew Anikan would have gotten the same lecture she had. The next time they saw each other would be a time of war.

No longer a padawan, Zahava Rena was now a Jedi Knight with a padawan. Zett Jukassa was a brave young man, often jumping into battle with Zahava when needed, but she had decided that when the war was so close to home, she would leave him to help in the archives. So, readying for deployment, Zahava didnt expect the young hotshot waiting with a group of Clone Troopers was Anikan Skywalker. "Sky Guy!"

Turning around, Anikan looked hopeful, but as he saw her, the look vanished and was replaced with disappointment. "Za, of all people, I didnt expect you."

"It's been a long time."

The following image in her mind was something unbelievable. After the loss of Master Yrsa, Rena had expected the news Maja had given her. She had taken know your enemy to a new level by searching Darth Vader's mind through the force; she knew a big secret; it had chipped away at Rena for years. Her friend had lived, and the chosen one had turned into Darth Vader. Hearing Reva's story only confirmed her fears.


Opening my eyes, I saw the exhausted look on her face. It was clear that I had missed it. It was her struggle I had felt. But it was more; there was anger and hatred. I couldn't help but panic rose, but I needn't worry. It all just faded. Those feelings were replaced by sorrow. Sensing my worry, Rena looked into my eyes and held my hand. "I spoke with Luke, and he told me that his father returned to the light." Pausing, she smiled as she took out her lightsaber, "I may have had a moment of release," she added with a small laugh, "it felt good to be locked in a room full of things I could destroy."

"You spoke with Luke?" I asked as I thought about the boy.

"I did." Pausing, there was a faraway look in Rena's eyes. "He looks to you like a mentor. He's had to learn so much in such a short time."

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