Chapter 15

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The Chandrillan Legislative Assembly reminded me of the ancient structures on Kheb. The gigantic round building with large glass windows flooded the room with warm light. It was an indescribable marvel of architecture. So many representatives had gathered, many different beings from over a thousand worlds. There were individual translator headsets and cam-droids everywhere. But on the podium at the 19 prosecutors, judges, and the Arbiter in the middle. As she stood, the room became quiet.

"Today marks a historic day. As a galaxy, we have come together to speak. War has no victor, so as we meet today on Chandrilla, we must remember all who have been lost. Today the New Republic and Council of Neutral Systems have come together with evidence of atrocities, massacres and cold-blooded mass executions perpetrated by the Galactic Empire's forces in many of the systems they have overrun. Officers who have been responsible for or have taken a consenting part in the atrocities, massacres, and executions will be sent back to the world in which their abominable deeds were done so that they may be judged and punished according to the laws of these liberated worlds and of free governments which will be erected therein."

As Lady Maera spoke in her practised and professional tone, I looked to the boot where the Ambassador sat. She leaned forward with a nervous expression. I wondered if she had been asked to testify or if she would be put on trial; she was a diplomat, an Imperial Governor, after all. But as I looked closer, I saw the figure sitting next to her. Reaching out through the Force, I found her; I noticed her slowly turn my way.


Sitting on the edge of her chair, Ambassador Hirsi tried her best to keep her feelings from getting better. One of the reasons she had requested Sister Reva join her was her mastery of the healing aspects of the Jedi arts, although it hadn't always been so. There was a small but thriving community of Jedi survivors and force-sensitive beings on Mizra, and Hirsi was proud to have been part of its survival.

Out of the corner of her eye, Hirsi noticed that something had caught the sister's eye. "Everything alright?"

"I sensed something or someone." Sister Reva replied as she joined her hands and looked at the Ambassador. "However, it is not one I recognise."

Looking up, Hirsi looked over to see where Reva was looking. Dressed in her pristine white and gold embroidered Jedi robes, Master Maja Skou looked like her mother. The light seemed to surround her as she watched the proceedings. Even though Hirsi had only known her for such a short moment, those memories would remain.

Looking away, she felt the warmth of Reva's hand. "There are Jedi here?"

With a simple nod, Ambassador smiled. "Indeed." Looking in Master Maja's direction, she smiled. "I wanted you to reconnect with your people."


Sitting in the gardens with Master Rena and Padawan Tori, we ate our lunch in the sun. It had been such a long time since we had all been together, and the weather was glorious. Besides, after a morning full of horrific holos of the horrors of the Inquisatorius, I didnt particularly want to go back quickly while the court was adjourned. Yet, for Tori, the images remained disturbing.

"So, all those holos were real?" Toria asked as they bit into a Mygeeto burrito.

Looking down, Master Rena wanted to hide her true feelings, but she couldn't. "Yes. Unfortunately, they are." There was great sorrow in her voice. It was never meant to be this way. Mentally I made a note to speak with Luke. These fallen Jedi deserved a proper Jedi burial.

I didnt pay much attention for the rest of the lunch, and to be honest; I found myself no longer hungry. "You don't have to watch," I said as I looked at Rena and Tori.

"Perhaps it is wise that they don't," Suggested Luke as he stood behind me.

I hadn't expected him to join the discussion, not that it was much of one. So standing, I looked him eye to eye and asked, "Why?"

"It's a path to the dark side," Luke replied with absolution.

Turning, I walked away. That unsettling feeling had grown with Luke's presence, but honestly, I couldn't be so arrogant to think it was him. I knew a truth that would wreak havoc in an already battered galaxy. No. It wasnt Luke. There was a gentleness in his heart that didnt sit with that path. Sitting in my meditation pose, I reached out my hand and felt the cold stones of the ancient Jedi temple. Be with me. I prayed as I reached out to the Force. Guide me.

In my mind, I pictured her reaching for my hand. It was a split second before I felt the warm embrace. I am with you.


Turning the corner, Luke stopped as he saw Maja. She was levitating at least a metre above the ground in deep meditation. Her eyes closed, and her words were soft but in the ancient tongue, the language of Kheb. He felt the current of the force flow through this place but had never connected to it in such a way. Then, opening her eyes and lowering herself, Maja gave a small smile. "I'm sorry to disturb you. You just seemed unsettled when you left." Luke remarked.

"I was," Maja replied as she crossed her arms. "I'm missing something, a feeling I can't place." Then, pausing for a moment, Maja paced. "I'm too familiar."

"You're so sure that it's on your own?" Luke queried. "The tribunals would likely attract all sorts. Why not that?"

Looking up in recognition, Maja nodded. "Of course. You're right."

"I am?" Luke replied with surprise.

Shaking her head, Maja smiled. "You and I are alike, the Jedi, the Force; it isn't just a gift, it's a legacy. So we should work together."

"I thought you were disapproving of that idea."

"Diversity in thought is important if we are to rebuild the order. Are you willing to accept that?"

Thinking for a moment, Luke felt hopeful yet a little taken aback. Of course, Maja would have so much to teach him, but... Honestly, if there was a threat on Chandrilla, he didnt have time to think about philosophy.

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