Chapter 22

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Dressing for the day, Chancellor Mon Mothma listened as her protocol droid read through the list of events and functions she would need to attend. The endless list of events was what Mothma loathed about being Chancellor most, and she found herself zoning out of the long list; that was until the Miziri Royal Academy Chamber Orchestra and Choir, in collaboration with Hanna City Soloists performance scheduled for that evening, was mentioned, that Mon's attention was caught. "And you're sure it is still going ahead?" She asked as she turned to her droid.

I have heard nothing from the Miziri Consulate, ma'am. The droid replied. Shall I enquire?

"Yes, please, PE9." She replied with a smile. "Send Senator Organa in, and then you may go."

As the door wooshed closed, Leia stood in her senatorial garb. "Is everything all right? You looked vexed, Mon."

"I'm just thinking about tonight's Gala," Mothma replied as she turned and greeted Leia with a hug.

"I've heard nothing but praise from the Cultural Inclusion Scheme," Leia replied as they walked to the Chancellor's speeder. "But I understand that it has been a strained undertaking to deal with the Miziri Royal Academy.

"Yes, Chancellor Xandre has often expressed his distaste for the New Republic, which is understandable after what happened with his daughter. It is thanks to Ambassador Hirsi that he has come so far. I'd understand it being postponed, but I worry about the timing," Mothma added. However, once they were in the relative privacy of the speeder, Mon relaxed as she turned to Leia. "I must say, I worry that I overstepped with offering to cover for Sarmia Engmel's services. What did I do wrong?"

Looking back wide-eyed, Leia remembered an official Mizra Alderaan visit, of how she had been tasked with learning about their culture (even the part outlawed by Imperial decree). The Miziri cast system, so intricate that it seemed impossible to remember, included a straightforward fact, never offer a noblewoman anything for free. It wasnt seen as cheap and distasteful, as one may assume, but it was essentially asking for a future favour, one the recipient would be obliged to return. Of course, the system had been chiefly dismantled and refigured during the Imperial occupation, but it was ancient. The Chancellor had unknowingly stepped into the one area of nuance when dealing with the Miziri. So explaining all of this all the way to the Legislative Assembly, Leia suggested one thing. "Try and talk with Lady Myrrine. She's young and possibly more agreeable."


Seeing the Chancellor arrive with Princess Leia in toe, I respectfully left my conversation and made my way to the Chancellor's Box. I got her request late last night. She wanted my opinion on something, but she also wanted me to be with them as we watched Master Rena's testimony. So, sitting in their shadow, as usual, I watched as the day's proceedings began with a passionate rendition of the New Republic anthem.

Chandrillan Exchequer, Écrin Thierry, was also a guest of the Chancellor's box that day, making the whole procedure feel like theatre. But, of course, it was the last hoorah of the theatre of war, and it felt wrong.

One of the Miziri priestesses, Sister Maigret, met me in the early morning intermission. She had come to deliver a message to the Chancellor. "I am instructed to give you this," the sister said as she pulled an ancient parchment with an equally flashy wax royal cyphered stamp. "My mistress insisted upon it as a safer form of communication."

It was safer, but this seemed so over the top that I almost laughed. Yet there was a beauty in the ancient ways that, for the most part, had been lost in modernity. Turning it over in my hand, I saw it addressed to Chancellor Mon Mothma. "I'm no puppet for the New Republic," I replied.

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