Chapter 19

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Something in Leia told her something had happened, and possibly the confused look of her husband watching the young Padawan step out from a room and quickly approach Mon Mothma. "I'm just going to see what's going on." She said as she turned back to Han.

"Okay," Han replied, looking a little put-out.

"I'll be back," Leia remarked as she walked across the room. But before she got to the door, Mon opened the door, a worried look on her face. "What's going on?" Leia asked in a whisper.

"Excuse me, Ladies, Gentlemen and distinguished guests." The Chancellor said as she brushed off Leia's question. "Unfortunately, there has been an urgent matter that will be cutting our dinner short." She said with her usual grace and poise. She went on to say how she regretted they couldn't continue. Then turning to Leia, with a severe look on her face, she informed her that Ambassador Hirsi was unwell and asked that she find Doctor Kalonia.

"Of course," Leia replied.

Leia didnt know what to expect when she got back. Mon Mothma and Lady Maera were in what looked to be a serious discussion. Han and Chewie were helping pack up the dinner; that was mostly Chewie; Han was helping by eating some of the leftover food with Padawan Tori.

"Thank you for coming as soon as you could," Lady Maera remarked as she stood.

"It's okay, my lady." Kalonia replied, "let's see how I can help."

Laying on a lounge in Mon Mothma's sun room, Ambassador Hirsi looked visibly unwell. She looked pale, clammy and a little irritated by the med droid trying to take her vitals.

"Well, I'm not a specialist, but thanks to the Emperial xenophobia, I have an edge on human physiology. I'll need your medical records to give you an accurate assessment." Doctor Kalonia remarked as she looked over the med droid's analysis and got caught up with all the relevant information.

"Do you not have access to the old Imperial Records?" Lady Maera asked in a sharp tone, clearly distressed.

Stopping and looking to the Miziri Nobel, Kalonia shook her head. "Following Operation Cinder, many of the Imperial Records were lost."

"Of course," Maera replied, searching her tunic for a data spike. "Here, it'll get you what you need."

The spike was used for slicing into networks, but the Maziri also used it to store personal records. All eyes looked to Mon Mothma, who nodded. "You have my assurance of assistance in this matter." She said.

"Good, because I suggest getting her to the Medical Centre immediately."


Mon Mothma had known Ambassador's health wasnt stable, had even suspected what the matter was. But never thought the Miziri would allow this to happen. Maybe it was a mistake to ask her for help in the tribunal. She thought to herself. Looking at Lady Maera, a woman she hadn't gotten the opportunity to know, she saw the agonised look of fear in her eyes. There was also fury.

"Chancellor," Lady Maera said in her heavily accented basic. "I will need to inform the Legislative Assembly of this." Then, pausing for a moment, "I will also need to contact our eldest daughter. She is studying on Naboo." She added with a touch of parental pride.

"Allow me to send someone to collect her." Mon Mothma replied with understanding. "And, may
I suggest giving the tribunal the weekend off. It is custom here on Chandrilla."

Letting out a sigh of relief, Maera nodded. "An excellent idea." Giving a cheeky smile, an evident influence from her wife, she added in jest, "Now I'm going to give my wife a long lecture."

"Knowing Kalonia, you won't be the only one."


In the privacy of the Medical Centre, and after looking through the medical database, Ambassador Hirsi was given a strict talking to and with every word, fury bubbled in Lady Maera. She had grown up with faith in Miziri superiority, that they were an advanced people, and of course, they were, but they weren't infallible.

"Five years ago, when you were told to watch your blood pressure, did they not tell you it was high?" Doctor Kalonia asked.

"No, and, well, I thought I was living the healthiest I ever have," Hirsi replied.

"Well, it's a common complaint, especially those with military action experience."

"No." Lady Maera remarked. "This is not good enough. Surely it can't be as serious as you suggest. The physicians would have done something."

Standing up straight, Kalonia looked at Lady Maera. "I assure you it is. Left unchecked, it can gradually damage her blood vessels, heart, kidney, and other vital body organs. If my understanding of Miziri culture is correct, your religious laws forbid cybernetic enhancement." Both women looked aghast; she had got that right. "If you live with high blood pressure, it can be difficult to know when it becomes an emergency; I'm sure you are now aware that symptoms and signs are not always obvious. You're lucky you didnt have a stroke."

"You should have told me!" Maera remarks as she stands and begins to pace. "We agreed not to have secrets."

"I wouldn't say it was a secret; I was busy," Hirsi replied, still attached to some machine. "I barely had the time to have a medical check in the first place. So it was a bit of a chaotic time."

Turning to Doctor Kalonia, Lady Maera looked ready to pounce. "Is there damage?"

Absolute candour; it was the Mizri way. "I'm not a specialist in this area. But I question the accuracy of your records concerning three months ago. It is a big warning." Pausing, she looked back at her data pad. Then, stepping out with Lady Maera, she walked her to the garden. "Know that I know your heart was in the right place and that other than procrastinating and having what I assume is a stressful job, this isn't your wife's fault."

"To whom do you put the blame?" Lady Maera asked as she turned and looked Kalonia square in the eye.

"She has a genetic predisposition."

Hearing this, Lady Maera perced her lips and looked away in thought. "And somehow the Empire, with their advanced medical knowledge, didnt pick that up?"

"In my experience, the Empire wasnt as observant as you'd think."

"Forgive me. I may have a skewed view of the Empire. Being married into it changes one's perspective."

"If you don't mind me asking, does she have a biological child?" Kalonia asked.

"We share a biological son. He is ten years old." Lady Maera replied with a timid smile on her lips. "She carried him. I never crave that part of motherhood."

"Mizra had a large population mixed raced Miziri, am I right?"

"You are."

"I'm not usually the political one, but it seems that Mizra should invest in...."

"Human doctors? There are just so few full human noble families that," Pausing Meara heard herself and was disgusted with the inequity that had come to be during Imperial Reign. "Well, most human physicians serve the lower classes."

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