Chapter 23

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Massaging her temples, all Hirsi wanted to do was climb into bed. Her dresser had removed the Ambassadorial tiara, and her daughter was fussing.

"All I'm saying is that you're headaches tend to be quite concerning," Myrrine remarked as she sat across from her mother. "Are you sure you don't want me to call the doctor?"

"No," Hirsi replied tiredly, "Just help Perilla remove the 700 hairpins, and my headache will magically disappear."

Rolling her eyes, Myrrine agreed and set to work. On the other hand, Hirsi smiled at the relief of having the coronet removed.

Yet, the next morning brought reality back to the household. It was a quiet day; the world seemed peaceful. Yet, as Maera left the consulate, Hirsi remained in bed, drained from the evening before. In the comfort of home, Hirsi and Myrrine watched the last days of the trial. On the screen, a cam droid focused on Zahava Rena, the half-Sephi Jedi Master, who had just been sworn in as a character reference for the former Inquisitor. She had already faced one round of cross-examination. Now she would encounter another.


Leaning forward, I watched nervously. It had been a very late night, and I hadn't had the chance to talk with Rena. As the day before, there were many questions. But as a stern-looking Eriadu judge stood, something about her felt cold. She was young and most probably saw Rena as an abomination.

Looking up at the gallery, her eyes met mine. "I was a Jedi; I now serve as a priestess for the Fellowship of The Children of Ashla. My identity in the force is not something you can question. I was born blessed by the fates. I was taught from infancy to serve, to use my blessing to bless others."

Leaning forward into the light, the Eriadu Judicial representative typed notes into her datapad. Looking back to her panellists, the tall, carefully manicured man beside her nodded. "You speak as if you are no longer a Jedi," She remarked, saying Jedi with apparent disdain. "Yet, you stand here today displaying its vestments."

"Furthermore," The man added, his words rang of the elite Imperial tone. "Furthermore, the presence of an apprentice suggests otherwise."

"Of course, I am a Jedi," Rena replies without a second of consideration. "Firstly, to answer your question Madam Tissido, the order is far from that of the former Republic. Many Jedi have sought refuge, and some remain in hiding. Secondly, in response to your colleague's observation, I have a padawan." Looking out at us in the audience, she smiled. "Tori. Thaller í lagi," she said as she tenderly ushered Tori to stand. "It's okay," she repeated in Basic. "They are just one small part of the order's future. A future that Master Kaider is very involved with."

Looking at Arbitor Maera, I saw a look of pride cross her stoic face. Then, giving the nod, she allowed Rena to continue.

"And what exactly is your relationship with Kaider?" A Pandoran judge asked as she leaned forward.

Taking a moment, Rena adjusted her robes. "My role is one of mentorship. As we discussed yesterday, having Sephi blood grants me the unique position of an extended lifespan. My time in the Jedi order and my education in the Jedi Temple are seen as a blessing to use. Kaider was broken when she returned with us to Kheb. Having endured torcher and abuse, she was a shell of her former self. In many ways, she had grown up enslaved by the inquisitors." Pausing, Rena looked to Kaider. "Those wounds do not heal overnight. She still carries them with her. I know what that is like."

Looking into her eyes, I could see what she couldn't say. She had told me of her close friendship with Anikan Skywalker and how the council separated them as a lesson and punishment again attachments. She told me of her fall, the purge and her realisation of Anikan's fate.

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