Chapter 13

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Looking out the large glass windows of her office in the Miziri Royal Consulate, Ambassador Hirsi's thoughts were interrupted by the gentle chime of the door. Hirsi smoothed her tunic as she turned and took a gulp of her now tepid tea. She had longed for this meeting; it had been too long.

"Your Excellency, Lor San Tekka is here as requested," the consulate guard announced as he gave a deep bow, as did her guest.


As I rode with Luke Skywalker to the Miziri Royal Consulate, I was silent and took my time to watch this world go by. There were so many sights I felt overwhelmed by it all. But, I was looking forward to our planned and scheduled audience with Ambassador Hirsi.

Arriving at the beautiful terraced building, I was filled with a feeling of hope. Lady Maera stood waiting along with two consulate guards. Their Aurodium armour glimmered in the afternoon light.

"I'm glad you could join us," Lady Maera remarked as she greeted us. "Ambassador Hirsi is currently in a personal meeting. She shouldn't be long."

"Thank you, Lady Maera," I replied as I shook her hand and followed along with Luke.

"May I ask, why have we been summoned?" Luke asked.

Pausing for a moment, Lady Maera stopped and turned to us. There was a look in her eyes. "She has an artefact that she wished to consult with Maja about. She has said it may prove useful in the trails."

As Lady Maera spoke, I thought about what Mon Mothma had said and what I could remember. Ambassador Hirsi San Tekka was never put to trial; that seemed like an anomaly now that I thought about it. She had been an occupying governor appointed by the Emperor. Yet there was a fondness from the chancellor that seemed to add more. Things are seldom as they seem.

"Thank you again, Lady Maera," I replied with a smile and bow.

As we waited in the surprisingly warm courtyard, Luke looked a little perturbed by the fact it was me she wanted to consult with. I would be lying if I didnt mention my surprise. Luke was far more familiar with the situation in the New Republic.

Once again, the Miziri candour won as the Royal Consulate Guard opened the doors and announced us. However, both Luke and I were surprised to see who had been consulting with the Ambassador.

A large, intricate, carved, and gelded wroshyr wood table was laden with traditional Miziri foods. Gently standing from her place at the table, Ambassador Hirsi lifted her glass. "Welcome to an early Miziri dinner." Then to turning to me, "I thought you may also like to meet my cousin, Lor San Tekka." She added. "I believe you and Master Skywalker have already met."

"Indeed," Lor replied, smiling and nodding to Luke. Then looking at me, he smiled again. "I am so glad to meet you, Master Skou. I've heard a lot about your family." It was clear he meant my mother.

Hearing the repeated clinking of a mettle teaspoon on the crystal glass the Ambassador was holding, I turned to see the smile on her face was beautiful. "Well then, come eat."

Luke gazed wide-eyed at the table in front of him. Mizra-grown vegetables and fruits covered it. Fabaceae curd dip with aromatic garnishings and olive oil; white cabbage cut finely sprinkled with blossom honey vinegar and add just a little bit of silphium; a pungent garlicky cheese wheel; mixed olive relish; honey roasted asafoetida root. There was no meat.

"This seems to be too much food for just us," Luke remarked as he looked to me and then to Ambassador Hirsi.

I couldn't believe it, but I was inclined to agree. So as I looked, the Ambassador smiled. "The leftover food will be given to the Chruch of The Force to be distributed to those in need."

"I would like to accompany the delivery," I added. "I haven't seen much of Chandrilla, and while here, I would love to help as much as possible."

The look of pure joy flooded the face of Lor San Tekka. "By all means, the Church of the Force has waited and prayed that this day would come."

As we sat and ate, I could sense the eagerness of Luke as he talked with Lor; he was in his element. Yet, for me, I felt on edge. Was this it, the time of return? I would commune with the Force later.

"So, your mother didnt join you?" Ambassador Hirsi asked as she watched me eat. There was the same eagerness in her eyes that was in Luke's.

"No," I replied and then sifted through my thoughts to find the right words. "She was killed in that mission," I said plainly.

As I looked into the Ambassadors eyes, I saw sadness and shock. "I had hoped...." She replied.

"She is one with the Force now."

"And you have taken her place?"

"Yes, although I don't entirely feel adequate," I replied, deploying my candour.

"I summoned you for your ability to commune with Force. Lor tells me the ability is called psychometry."

"The artefact," I murmured to myself in realisation. "You think I can sense the past of the artefact."

"Your mother told me you can," Ambassador Hirsi replied. Then pausing for a moment, she revealed the lightsaber hidden in her tunic. In her hand was a lightsabre of construction that reminded me of my mothers. Whoever this lightsaber had belonged to was of my mother's faction. Although relatively simple, the design was refined and made with delicately intertwined metals to create a grip that resembled a tree branch's natural form.

As I took hold of the lightsabre, I saw her. A woman, in her early twenties, with thick black hair, dark olive skin and deep green eyes. A Jedi. A General in the Clone Wars. That's right; you're getting quite good with a lightsaber. She said with a warm smile and a pronounced Corasount accent. Letting go, I knew who I had seen. Ifonia. I had so much in that brief moment. I felt the love there, between those two women. I knew their story. I know Spinka's pain. Of Spinka's anger and despair.

"What did you feel?" Luke asked as he stood next to me.

"So much." I staggered in reply. Then looking at Hirsi, I smiled. "What a legacy you have held." The kyber, a part of the living Force, had told me so much; there was so much love in its story. Greif is the price you pay for love. My mother had said to me that. I had felt it too. "This belongs with you. Its story is not over yet."

"Please," Lady Maera replied. "Please explain."


Ambassador Hirsi paced as she listened to the young Jedi Master. She had sensed the past of the lightsaber, left by Grand General Spinka. It had belonged to a Jedi killed in the Great Jedi Purge. A Jedi who had been intimate with the late General. It had been a test of candour that Hirsi knew Master Maja Skou would pass. It also gave her the knowledge she had sort. And then there was Master Skywalker, whose eyes widened as he watched Maja at work.

That evening as Hirsi prepared for bed; she looked out of the open window. Opening her hand, she swallowed at the amulet she had been given as part of her Final Order. You must promise me, cousin. This is something you must keep absolutely secret. She had said to Lor.

Taking hold of the dagger-shaped hex charm. Lor looked back at her. Of course, but what do you plan to do?

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