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Over thirty years had passed and so much had happened in that time. Looking out the transparasteel window of the spacestation above Kheb I looked for Alderaan, long gone but still shining in space as what Hosnian Prime.

"I can hardly believe it," Scarre remarked as he stood next to me. "If only it were a day or two ..."

"No, Scarre, we cannot dwell on the darkness," I replied continuing to watch. "I have plenty of my own regrets too."

The emergence of the First Order was not unexpected. The former empire had proven to be quite the hydra, by cutting of one head several grew in its place. But the First Order were different, they were the remnant, heirs to what had come before; and its path came great destruction.

"Lady Myrrine should be here," I muttered as I waited for the signal. "What if..."

Before I could finish, the signal came through along with a voice message. "This is Lady Myrrine, First Comander of The Miziri Exspansionary Fleet, I seek passage into Khebian space."

As the schematics from the stealth probe came through I let myself breath. It was her mother's yacht, not the First Order. "Send the route."

"Sending the route, now," Scarre replied as he sent the route to Myrrine's navigation computer. Without it, even with her navigation skills, it risked tearing the yacht apart and exposing all aboard to toxic radiation. The nebula was a true gift from the force, guarding Kheb from those wished harm.

My place wasn't typically to be in the operations center of Helios Station, yet upon receiving long range transmission from Myrrine I decided I would meet her on station. As the centrifugal gravity roted the station Kheb came back in view. In those thirty years, Kheb had grown, it wasn't just an outpost its cities were growing, my own village was now a university town. So much had changed yet I still felt at peace here.

As the Miziri Yaght docked, Scarre and I walked down to the busy docking bay. Workers busy went about their business, but seeing the royal yacht in person I remembered the Ambassador's previous visit.

"Grand Master Skou," Lady Myrrine remarked as she greeted me. "It's good to see you safe and well."

"Likewise, Myrrine." I returned the gesture. "How is your mother?"

Letting out a sigh, she looked back to me. "You know, busy as usual, especially now. That's the whole reason I came." Then turning back to the yacht, I met Reva and a young women, who had grown significantly since I saw her last. "I come on behalf of my mother, to formally request help from the order."


I was no longer the young and impulsive woman of my youth. As I paced the conference in the ancient temple, I found myself drawn to the courtyard garden. "Mother, I need your help!" I said as I lit a candle at her effigy.

"Wisdom is not within you," the reply comes. As I turned, I saw the image of my mother from the cosmic force. "The time has come, a crossroads in the path."

"I understand," I replied as I looked into her eyes.

Leaving the garden, Lady Myrrine stood waiting. "Do you always commune with your dead mother?"

The question stumped me. "The Jedi do not believe in death as you may understand it," I replied as guested for her to follow.

Shaking her head Myrrine turned my way. "Jedi mysticism, I will never understand."

Reaching the great hall, I saw the young girl again. There was poise in her yet humility as she stood as we entered. "Princess, the council has come to an agreement," Lady Myrrine announced as the young Princess sat.

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