Chapter 8

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"They are calling for blood!" Senator Organa remarked as she paced in Chancellor Mon Mothma's office. Fidgeting with her hands, Leia looked to see every patient's friend. "You saw her; she's not a killer. On the contrary, she saved our lives."

"I have an idea," Mon Mothma replied as she kept her calm exposure. "As you rightly pointed out, the court will want someone to be the sacrificial offering for the crimes of the Empire. Therefore, we need an impartial party."

"And you have someone in mind."

"We do," advisor Sinjir Rath Velus replied. "As you know, there are systems which remain wary of the New Republic and wish to remain independent, forming what is loosely known as the Council of Neutral Systems."

Looking to Leia, Mothma nodded and added, "But there is one system, The Miziri System, who have joined the council and yet were annexed by The Empire. Their governor, now Galactic Ambassador, will be here. I worked with her once before."

Leia knew more about this moment in the Rebellion's past than she had ever let on. "What makes you think Ambassador Hirsi San Tekka will want anything to do with this?"

"We need an arbiter, a neutral party. Otherwise, the bias would win."


10 years after the Galactic Empire and Civil War ended, a former inquisitor will go on trial for assisting in the murder of 35,180 citizens of Falleen with biological warfare and the hunting and murder of numuraous force sensative beings...

The holonet news was all over Kaider's capture and extradition to Chandrilla. Swiping it off, Ambassador Hirsi looked out the viewport of the Kafim Tzifor at the stars as they streamed past and became still as if the galaxy moved around the ship instead of reality.

"We have arrived at Chandrilla, ma'am." The young pilot announced as he received the docking clearance. "Landing procedure will commence in a few moments."

"Very good," Hirsi replied as she looked up to see her wife. She had taken the long hyperspace jump as an opportunity to finish some of the reading that had pilled up. "We're about to land."

"I heard," Lady Maera replied with her usual clipped manner and soft, subtle smile. "There was also a com message that came through from the Chancellor," she added, handing Hirsi the holo receiver.

"Oh," Hirsi replied without thinking.

"Sent to be alerted when you arrive."

As the blue holographic picture of Chancellor Mon Mothma appeared, she began with the traditional Miziri sign gesture of greeting. Then her message: In the time following the unconditional surrender of the Galactic Empire the New Republic has endeavoured to form new and lasting relationships with former imperial worlds. I recognise the Miziri wish to remain independent and now that status is something the New Republic wishes to use. Pausing, the image of Mothma shifted as she momentarily sorted her thoughts. The New Republic senate is in need of an independent party that will have sway with the Centralists in government but will remain truly steadfastly neutral. I reach out to you Ambasador Hirsi as we have worked together once before. I trust you and I trust the candore and judgment of the Miziri people.

Hearing the message, Hirsi remembered the cold presence of Second Sister. She remembered that day seeing the Inquisitor. She didnt know if the woman was still alive, but she knew that this twi'lek was the girl that Second Sister was sent to hunt. Standing by Spinka, Hirsi didnt know what to do at that moment. She had looked to Spinka, and the look on her face was worrying. Now, so many years later, she couldn't get that memory out of her mind. Nor could she erase the look of fear on the young girl's face.

As the ship gently landed, Hirsi wrapped her cloak around her shoulders and friended it with the Maziri Avril insignia pin. Then, standing tall, she looked at her reflection in the looking glass.

With a slight adjustment by Maera, she was ready to disembark the shuttle. This was never the journey she thought she would take, but perhaps she could do something for this girl now.

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