Chapter 6

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As the crew gathered, Kaider took note of everything. In her heart, there was only one path to redemption. She had hidden, forsaken her sabre, and dedicated herself to the Fellowship to forget. Now on that ship, she took a seat and watched the nebula move past the viewport. As they exited the guardian (as they had fondly named the interstellar phenomena), a memory hit Kaider.


20 Years Before

"All navigational computations state we are at the exact coordinates, sir."

Standing on the viewing bridge onboard Executrix Inquisitor, Sister Kaider, or Fourth Sister, stood with the Grand Inquisitor on Moff Tarkin's Star Destroyer.

"This is the place, I sware," Kaider assured. Fear boiled in her at the thought of the possible punishment.

Turning, the Grand Inquisitor lay a slap across the young Twi'lek's pale purple face; his sharpened nails cut into her skin. Yet, she remained silent and stood tall. She knew she was right. She didnt understand why she couldn't find the path in.

"What if I took a tie and scouted ahead. I could find an in."

"A nebular like this could tear a Star Destroyer apart, let alone tie fighter." The ship's captain said as he turned on his heels. "This is my ship; that insanity isn't enough to risk losing her." He added, pointing to the swirling nebular. "Unless you give the order, Moff Tarkin."

"Of course not. This is a lost course." Turning his head to the young Inquisitor, his sharp gaze met hers. Her eyes shone bright yellow with anger. He looked disgusted by her presence.


Breaking through the nebula, Kaider couldn't take her eyes from the starscape. She had made peace that she would one day have to answer for her crimes as an inquisitor. So looking out at those stars again, the memories were painful yet reassuring. The fear of punishment had once ruled her life. But, this time, she was free.

"I will be a long haul to Chandrilla; we have guest quarters and an empty cargo bay," Leia remarked as she stepped back from the control room.

"Padawan Tori and Master Rena will take the quarters," Maja replied in her usual instructional manner.

Seeing the questioning look in Rena's eyes, Kaider nodded. "It's the logical choice."

Setting out a small sleeping mat, Maja and Kaider began their journey through hyperspace with joint meditation.


Sliding into his hammock, Luke closed his own eyes. Meditation in hyperspace was a sure way to commune with Master Kenobi. He had a bad feeling about this whole mission, but the feeling wasnt clear. He wasnt sure if it was the presence of Kaider, Master Skou's remarks, or something completely different.

As his mind thought over it all, he quickly fell asleep. Waking with a sudden cold feeling. Something was going to happen.

Making his way to the control room, Luke found Leia and C3PO at the helm. "Oh, Master Luke, we are nearing the entry point." The golden droid reported as Leia looked up with a smile.


Looking into her brother's eyes, Leia looked quizzical. "You're worried about something? I think everything is ...."

As the swirl of cerulean light transformed into a stream of stars, the Thalassa entered real space only to be met with the unexpected visage of an Imperial Star Destroyer.

"Is that what it looks like?" Master Skou asked as she stepped into the room.

"It can't be."

"HWK-290 light freighter, this is Liberty's Misrule, flagship of Eleodie Maracavanya, pirate ruler of Wild Space. Identify yourself and prepare to be boarded." So came the message over the old imperial channel.

"This is Senator Leia Organa of the New Republic. Stand down and let us pass." The resolve in the young women's voice was palpable, but just as the words left her mouth, they felt the tell-tale tug of a tractor beam.

"I know it's a little late, but...."

"I know," Leia replied with a worried look. "I shouldn't have told them my true identity, but the New Republic senate has been trying to have diplomatic relations with fringe leaders." Then, looking at her brother, she asked, "What do we expect?"

"Our monitors suggest Eleodie's group are violent, ma'am," Maja remarked as she slid into her role as a Jedi protector.


It had become inevitable that this group would board them. Kaider and I took the lead. Leia and Tori at the back, Tori had never faced a real firefight, but she stood ready and waiting.

To Luke and Leia's surprise, Master Rena mediated as they listened and waited. Luke had fought before and knew what to expect from pirates, but he hadn't had the privilege to see true Jedi in action. Looking at Kaider's robes, Luke realised she was unarmed. "You don't have a lightsabre?"

"A lightsabre doesn't make a Jedi." Kaider kindly replied.

"But surely it's useful in battle," Luke remarked, not understanding the Jedi mastery of the more mystical aspects of the force.

"It'll be just like we practised as children," I suggested as we watched the feeds. "Unless you feel...."

"No, I conceded to your point," Kaider replied as she turned and nodded respectfully to Master Rena.

Unclipping the lightsabre from a hidden layer of her robes, Rena sent it to Kaider's waiting hand. Together, Kaider and I stood ready for whatever would come through that door. So when the door burst open with a loud crack, we were prepared. In perfect synchronisation, we deflected the blaster bolt of the surprised marauders. Mine of bright green and Kaider's of purest white. It was as if a trance had crossed us; we were no longer individuals. Instead, we acted as two parts of one body in perfect coordination. We planned to act as a shield for Master Rena, Senator Organa and Luke. As a result, the marauders had no chance of taking this ship.

Although her skill at using the lightsabre wasnt honed, the young senator ignited the weapon. Again, I felt the presence of the force flowing through her. But with a quick look the way Kaider, who stood her ground with the pirates, gave a glance back to make sure they were safe.

Looking back, Kaider gave everything she had; with swift and methodical slashes, the twi'lek seemed to dance her way through the pirates, disabling them. She held her sabre to their throat with one foot on the last one with a blaster. "I suggest you yield. The senator is on a diplomatic mission. It would be wise to let us go." She said in her smooth imperial tone, with a slight wave of her left hand.

"Yes, of course." The small being said with a dazed looked as they stood. "I'm so sorry for such a misunderstanding."

As the hatch closed as they were released. Kaider, who had looked dignified and calm through the ordeal, dropped her sabre and ran to the refresher.


Master Rena tried to feel Kaider's presence by putting a hand on the cold metal door. "Kærustu," she said, trying her best to channel the motherly energy that came so easterly to Brauta. Dearest one a term of endearment in the ancient Khebian dialect. "Leptu mér inn." With a click, Rena knew the magnetic door lock would allow her to enter.

In the corner of the small refresher room, the once defiant figure of Kaider was replaced with a shellshocked one. Although painful, Rena knelt and pulled the girl into her arms. There were no words for this moment; nothing she could say would help. Then, closing her eyes, Rena called upon the force. Be with me, be with us. Give us strength.

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