Chapter 7

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The arrival of the Thalassa wasnt a significant affair. The senatorial guard and New Republic military police were waiting with two figures, Chancellor Mon Mothma and her advisor Sinjir Rath Velus.

Pacing the small communal room, the freighter, Leia thought about everything. Luke, as usual, had been meditating over it all. It was so clear this Twi'lek was not the same being as those holos showed of her former self. It had been a shock in the force, something Leia and Luke felt as Kaider dropped the sabre hilt.

"What am I doing?" Leia asked herself audibly. "I hadn't thought this through."

"What was your plan?" I asked as we busy prepared to disembark.

"Well, we didnt predict we would have extra passengers. It was originally picking her up and delivering her to the authorities." Luke replied, stepping in for his sister.

"I see," Master Rena added as she stepped through the door.

As we disembarked, Mon Mothma gave the young senator a quizzical look as she walked with the cuffed Twi'lek. Master Rena, Tori and I followed behind. We were not officially Jedi, although we were not hiding out identities. We have certainly dressed the part.

It had been so long since Leia had seen that look in her mentor's eyes and that feeling in Mothma's embrace. They may have crossed the first hurdle in their mission, but now, back on Chandrilla, the rest of the course lay ahead. As I watched, I could feel the conflict in Leia emerging. This was not a job she was relishing.


That evening, after a small tour of Leia's residence, I took a stroll with Luke. The night's sky was clear; I had been so used to my sky that this change had always been disconcerting for me. But gazing at the stars, I watched as Luke pointed to the two small stars in the sky, forming the base of a well-known Chandrillan constellation denoting luck.

Luke laughed. "Growing up on Tatooine, I never saw myself having won the galactic birth lottery. I wanted to work and save to get off Tatooine. But..." Pausing, he centred himself as he looked at me. "The sand, it's just so constant, I hated it with every fibre of my being, but it turns out the place I wanted to get away from most was what was keeping me safe." Looking back to the sky, he smiled. "Some of my most valuable lessons were learnt there."

I thought of my childhood; I had also wanted to see the galaxy. "I spent many summer nights with Kaider looking up at the stars. We both wanted to explore, to see all the worlds out there."

"She was your best friend?" Luke asked as he thought of Biggs Darklighter.

"More than that. We are like sisters," I replied. "Born just a week apart."

Looking at me, Luke did the first thing that came to mind. Reaching out, he held my hand, not in a romantic manner but in a kind, reassuring tone. The New Republic, although still with fault, would do the right thing; he was sure of that. Then, standing, he brushed off the grass from his trousers. "Come with me; I think you want to see this."

Looking back up to Luke, I conceded.


As soon as she was given a room, Master Rena retired for the evening. With a few clicks on her communicator, the holo of Master Brauta appeared. Staring into the eyes each other, the flickering holographic visage of Brauta smiled. "It's so good to see you. How were your travels?"

"Well," Rena replied with her usual raised eyebrow. "We did run into some trouble, but it all turned out fine."

Brauta kept smiling. "And Kaider, how is she?"

Rena thought of how she had sat in that refreshed doing everything she could to calm her. "She had to use her lightsabre – in the trouble I mentioned."

"I see."

Looking down, Rena recalled the past. "She can barely touch it without ..." She couldn't say it.

"You have taught her well; we all have. It is now the force's place. She will follow the will of the force." Pausing, Brauta looked into Rena's eyes. "But how are you, kærustu?"


In the small room, with just a cot and open squat latrine, Kaider meditated. Luke and Rena had done their best to prepare her for this. But, a tiny part of her mind still remembered her early days detained by the Empire.

The one redeeming factor of this cell was quiet. Sitting on the floor, Kaider embraced the quiet and let her mind explore every living thing. Stretching out with her mind, she felt connected to the world around her, the smallest insect to the moss on the lower levels. It felt like music; each living thing had a song, this was how she always felt the force, and the song of this world at peace filled her soul with a warm feeling. However, closing her eyes, she hoped that sleep wouldn't show her memories of the previous times she sat in a similar cell.


The look of anguish etched itself into Kaider's arms. She knew her master's attempts to keep her safe from this fate were fruitless, but that look screamed that she had given everything to keep her out of Trilla's grasp. No amount of kicking, screaming, or biting would free her. Only the circular beam of a stun blast would shut her up. 

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