Chapter 18

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The next morning brought relief to Leia as she awaited the arrival of the Millennium Falcon. She hadn't seen her husband and son for a little less than a month, so waiting, she moseyed around the spaceport, enjoying the duty-free market stalls. However, soon the announcement came in the form of C3PO that they had entered the system.

Throwing her arms around her husband and then absorbing a messy hug from Ben, Leia welcomed her family home. "And, of course, welcome, Chewie." She added with a smile. "I've needed this."

"I'm here to help," Han replied with his usual casual swagger.

"Even if it means accompanying me to one of Mon Mothma's fancy dinners?" Leia asked with a raised eyebrow.

Giving a sigh, Han shook his head. "Yes, even if it means accompanying you to one of Mon Mothma's fancy dinners." Picking up Ben to walk to the speeder, Han turned to his wife. "I'm guessing that means there is a fancy dinner we are attending."

"Yeah, Mon planned on one for tonight. The Miziri ambassador is attending." Leia replied with her own sigh.


Meanwhile, Chancellor Mon Mothma and Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker were to be joined by Ambassador Hirsi on a day trip to the Chandrillan State Gallary. However, the Ambassador was running late. Looking at her timepiece distretly, Mon looked worriedly at Luke. "Do you think something wrong?" Luke asked in reply to her glance.

"Well, it may be a possibility," Mothma replied. Turning to her protocol droid, "Can you contact the Miziri Royal Consulate?"

"Of course, ma'am." The silver droid replied with a nod and waddled off.

Mon Mothma was well aware of the Ambassador's precarious health. But had hoped that things were getting better. As she paced, Mothma stretched her injured hand just as the protocol droid returned.

"The Miziri Ambassador is on her way, ma'am. There was a delay, but she should be arriving any minute." And just like that, the speeder with a police escort arrived. Climbing out of the speeder with the hand of her Adjutant, their eyes met.

They had been friends for years, and this would be the first and possibly only joint engagement they would have together, A Jedi, A New Republic Chancellor, and a former Imperial Independent Ambassador. Descending the stairs, Mothma greeted her friend with a warm handshake.

"I'm so sorry about being late," Ambassador Hirsi remarked once they were in a private place.

"Is everything alright?" Mon Mothma asked as she looked into her friend's clearly tired eyes.

"Of course," Hirsi replied, flashing Mon her diplomatic smile. "I just woke with terrable headache. I'm sorry for ..."

"No." Mon replied before Hirsi could finish her apology. "It's better late than never."

The gallery was quiet with the only voices were the holonet team and the curator who was taking them on a tour. The art itself was collected from solders of both sides, from simple doodles and artsy holopics to detailed landscapes and field poetry. It was in many ways an effort to create a memorial. There was a sadness in this space, but also a hope.


After a long day in the tribunals, I arrived at the apartment of Mon Mothma only to find a scuffy man and a tall Wookie talking with the Chancellor's protocol droid. Swiftly turning I noticed the stile and tailoring of the man's suit. An Alderaanian formal outfit. Of course this was...

"Hey, I'm Han, Leia told me a few Jedi were staying with us." He said as he fiddled with the buttons on is cuff. "This is..."

This time I cut in. "Chewbacca," I replied offering a hand to the Wookie. "Leia speaks highly of you both."

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