2-Lost Memory

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Back to The Snow Ball

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Tina holds my hand as we walk through the crowds of dancing people, the disco ball spins as teens dance and kiss. Me and Tina have come together as she's recently broken up with her boyfriend.

I see Sandy and the other cool kids, we walk up to them and swap compliments. I sit next to Tina and we wait for a boy to ask us to dance. I scan the room to see mostly everyone has a couple. As soon as I think a guy is about to ask me my sister Ophelia pushes him out of the way.

'Shay? What no date?!' she laughs and her friends mimic her 'please leave, your embarrassing me,' I just stare at the blonde, Tina is off with a boy so i'm sitting by myself.

'Ophelia I didn't ask for you to start talking to me,' I scoff walking off into the crowds, I hear her laugh to her friends. I usually like being at school or school events as I don't see Ophelia.

As I'm mad walking through people, bumping into the odd person a boy grabs my arm, I see it is Tristan Willis 'hey carrot,' he goofs and I roll my eyes as he holds my waist 'blonde boy Tristan, shouldn't you be with Tina?' I question, he narrows his eyes.

'I should but she has a dance and you don't,' I nod as we slowly spin 'well thank you,' I slightly smile so does he 'so does Tina like me or anything?' he shrugs, I shrug back 'no idea, ask her,' he tilts his head.

'Why is your sister such a dick to you?' he questions and I sigh 'step sister and who knows,' as he answers me I move into view where I see a boy with a crazy amount of hair gel in.

I almost laugh to myself but then I see him talking with the nerdy group. I notice a new girl i've never seen before, I look at her through the groups of teens, I feel a sense of familiarity at the sight of her .

I see she has short hair and is talking with the boy everyone calls frog face, she looks uncomfortable, I keep staring and I don't know why. Her eyes move around the room until they meet mine.

As her eyes look deep into mine I feel a sharpe pain in my head, my left eye goes fuzzy as she doesn't break the stare, 'ow fuck!' I say holding my head, Tristan who was still talking looks down at me 'shit you good Shay?' he asks and I am still looking into the short haired girls eyes.

I groan in pain and she looks alarmed as she sees my state, she quickly reaches for her nose before looking away, Tristan is holding me but as soon as she breaks eye contact the pain leaves.

'What? Are you okay Shay!' he asks again and I gasp for air as my hearing that I didn't even realise was gone comes back 'fuck, yeah. What the fuck,' I say.

Tristan gets Tina as we sit outside 'honey you okay?' Tina says rushing to me pulling me into a hug 'yeah I'm fine, migraine I guess,' I say trying to laugh 'really your nose is bleeding,' Tina says and I quickly move my hand to my nose.

'Ow shit,' I try wiping it away 'jeez Shay,' Tristan says helping me 'yeah this is embarrassing,' after sorting myself out we all sit on the stairs outside the entrance to the ball.

'Do any of you know that short haired girl in there? She new?' I ask and Tristan shakes his head 'all i've heard is her name, El.'

'How'd you know that?' Tina asks the boy 'I heard a boy talkin to her,' Tristan shrugs 'El? that's an odd name must be short for Ellie or something.'

I look forward absolutely confused.

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