15- Appointment

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I move my Chess piece forward one square as Ten looks at me confused "do you want to play any more?" I ask this because he doesn't seem to interested "i'll go play with blocks for a bit," he leaves his seat.

I play with my fingers as I'm nervous, any second now they'll take me away so I can get chipped, then all my worries fade away as Peter sits down in front of me.

I feel Peters hand move to my thigh trying to relax me "you'll do great today, so don't worry," I put my hand on top of his "I'm not worried, just concerned on what'll happen if-" Peters hand then interlocks with mine "your worried, it's okay," he smiles looking at me memorised.

"You've achieved way more skilful things," I look quickly around the room "are we going to talk about yesterday?" I question trying to hide my smile as his hand tenses "we can if you succeed today."

I bite my lip trying to hide my smile and butterflies forming in my stomach "now get back to Chess and wipe that look off your face," I look back down at the board trying to not go completely red.

I watch as Eleven comes over and sits in the opposite seat "hi," she says in a wary tone "hi Eleven," I try not to look over at Peter who is looking, this was different from other times he's looked at me though.

"Do you love?" Eleven asks with a quiet smile "who?" I ask taken back by the question "him," she tilts her head towards Peter "oh wha? Don't be silly," I laugh shaking my head.

"Silly?" she questions squinting her small eyes "oh, well-" I then get cut off by Brenner storming in the room with two guards next to him "Zero, time for your appointment," Brenner flashes his crooked smile.

I stand giving a quick smile to El, I walk over to the guards, I walk in between them, making our way out the door I brush past Peter, I feel the tension rushing through us as we do.

"Zero! Are you listening!" a guard shouts, I realise i've been zoned out since passing Peter in the doorway, we're now outside the doctors room "y-yeah sorry," he sighs.

"Walk into the room and lie on the bed, slowly...." another guard holds a gun up to the back of my head, I gasp as I feel the metal on my scalp "hey! What are you doing?!" I recognise the voice as Peters he must have been walking passed.

"Keep moving Peter it's just a precaution, hey Zero get in there," I look back to see a worried expression on Peters face "get in there now!" they shout at my delay, my heels move quickly into the room and I lie on the bed.

A red head lady walks into the room and looks at me uncomfortably "uh hi Zero," her voice was sweet "we are going to put you to sleep, then you'll wake up and it'll be all done," she cheers but my face is blank.

I see a man walk in who was a strawberry blonde "hey Zero, this won't hurt at all," I watch the taller man bring out a needle, while the lady gets these tools ready on the metal table.

I feel panic start to settle in as I was gonna have to do this quicker then I thought, I scan the table to look for the device and that's when I see it lying next to a scalpel "ready?" the red head asks preparing my arm for the injection.

I then close my eyes and focus on them both, I dive deep into there minds trying to find a memory similar to this one, then I do it was Peter.

He was younger they were too but I realise that they were only about sixteen, they weren't doing the operation but watching it, I don't have time to stay in the memory so I pull myself out and start making them relive the memory again, except I modify best I can.

I gasp opening my eyes, I look to my left to see the man in a trance, his eyes rolled back flickering around, same with the lady.

I am still lying on the bed, safe. How the hell am I doing this so easy, last time I had to be in Peters head the whole time.

"It's cause you've had a lot of practice," my eyes flick to see Peter in the doorway "what are you doing here?" I say shocked taking the wire off my arm "coming to see if you were successful," he gave me a cute smile.

I feel bold and happy, so I walk up to the man and pull him into a hug "thank you," I whisper into Peters chest "your welcome but you need to steal the tracker and keep in on you," I nod, he kisses my forehead before walking off.

I smile to myself as I snatch the tracker and put it into my pocket, I lie back on the bed and go into the man's head to see that the vision is almost done, then something else catches my attention.

It's risky going after the memory but there was a sense of urgency about it, the red fog clouding around each memory was thick I could barely see but then I get there and step into it.

I see an navy blue home with white trim, there is a red head boy and girl the same age waiting at the front door, the boy knocks aggressively 'she's been over at that psychos house to much!' the girl shouts.

'Stop being loud, behave,' the boy's voice echo's, I move closer to see the kids are about early teens maybe 'open!' the girl shouts pounding on the door over and over again.

'Helen! Stop!' the boy snatch's the red heads hand, it was the nurse, that name I recognise it 'Samuel somethings wrong!' the girl seems very very worried.

I watch as she pushes the door slowly open, I move to the middle of the two so I can see inside the house, 'Shan!' that's when it hit me, those were my siblings Peter told me about.

I start to shake as I keep moving so I can see inside, then I see something I wish I could un see. There was a entrance room where a staircase leads down to, and just in front of the door is two children bodies lying lifeless on the floor and a man with his head in his hands sitting on the stairs.

Worst of all I was there, kneeling next to the boy lying on the ground 'Henry!' I hear my voice echo, I was ripped out of my shocked gaze as my brother and sister scream.

"All done!" I jolt forward as I'm back in the operation room "oh behave Helen, she knows," the man smiles and I look at them in utter shock, small tears forming in my eyes.

"Is everything alright?" Helen asks with a smile, how didn't they remember me, or if they did why weren't they acting like there sister had been missing for years.

"I'm fine, thank you," I quickly pick myself up and leave the room.

I see Peter in the hall, his face lights up with a smile "hey you did-" I hold my finger up to his lips "I just met Helen and Samuel," I see guilt take over his expression "Shan..."

I just keep walking, why was he acting like I could never meet them again, what else could he be lying about.

a/n what do u think is gonna happen? Theories?

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