14- To Far

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Peter's Pov

Her being in my arms felt good, she has been gone for five years but since she's been back it hasn't felt like how it did but it was getting there "okay, you need to stand somewhere where you can't see me," I look over to the door.

"Behind the door?" she questions and I smile "yes of course," I laugh and she does too, I watch her walk off over to the door, she closes it and smiles as she does.

She won't need to always be out of sight to do this but this makes it more challenging "okay Shan just focus on the memory you saw!" I shout so she can hear me, I then feel a shift in the energy in the room.

I look around and see nothing odd, I then hear a loud long ticking sound, I look behind me to see a clock engraved into the white tile, I smile slightly as I make my way up to the clock.

I run my fingers along it, thinking back to when I used to stare at it with Shan until it moved, we were always so bored, she came up with so many ways to pass time.

I get ripped out of thought when I hear a small girls voice from behind me "your such a freak!" I turn to see Shan standing in front of me, her hair fluffy and she looked shocked, I remember the dress she was wearing, the knee high blue shirtdress.

It was the one she wore the day I showed her my abilities.

"What?" I question but she then starts to scream so loud I fall back covering my ears.

I look up at the girl her mouth open as the blood curdling screams keep coming, this wasn't a memory anymore she was making things up, which is dangerous and I also didn't know it could be done.

"Shit! Shan stop!" I shout for the girl as she's losing control, then quiet I open my eyes breathing out the girl was gone so was the clock "Shan stop, you are losing control of the vision," I walk towards the door and hold the cold metal handle.

I feel as if it wasn't over, something is wrong very wrong.

"Shan?" I question as I open the door, I then freeze at what I see, it was Shan younger floating in the air her eyes bleeding out, "what-" I say shocked "you made me do it," she cried her eyes completely missing "no," I shake my head.

"You made me kill them!" she screamed and I shout falling back to the ground, "no! I helped you!" I keep saying until I see the door open in front of me.

I see Shan in a trance her eyes moving quickly under her eye lids, she's wearing that white dress and black heels, it was really her "shit!" I run up to her and shake her shoulders "Shan!"

Shan Pov

"Shan!" my eyes shot open as I finally am out of that trance, I wasn't conscious I don't even remember what happened "oh jesus," Peter breaths heavy as he pulls me into a hug or I fall onto him I can't tell "what the hell happened!?" Peter pulls me back from him.

"I don't know, I'm sorry did I hurt you?" my eyes go up to the cut on his forehead, I touch the slit and he flinches "no don't worry," his hand covers mine "just don't do that tomorrow," I giggle as I must of really stuffed up.

"I don't remember what happened, I'm sorry," I look down disappointed in myself "Shan you did well, you definitely didn't fail," I look around the small closet we are standing in, Peter is still holding my hand "Peter I'm remembering," I whisper up to his ear as if it is a secret.

"Really?" his eyes light up as he looks down at me "slowly but I think i'll remember everything soon enough," I smile even though I just stuffed up it seemed ok.

"You know the longer you stay here, the other life you had will slowly disappear until it never existed," I feel slight guilt build in me but not enough to effect me.

"It doesn't matter to me anymore," I speak but still have tears forming in my eyes "good, that was never real," I stretch my lips ear to ear but don't show my teeth as I'm trying not to think about that life, I haven't for a while.

"Shan... you've been back for about a week, we need to get out of here," I look deep into his eyes "we can't, there's no way," Peter goes to say something but I don't want to hear it, I hold my finger up to his lips.

"Don't tell me how you have a plan, can we just focus on getting passed tomorrow," I whisper my hands making there way to holding the back of his neck "Shan..." Peter groans moving his hands to my waist "what? Why can't I relive our first kiss?" I whisper looking up at his lips.

"So you know we've kissed?" Peters voice tickles against my lips "it was a bit obvious," I laugh flustered, I close my eyes as I feel my lips press against his, I feel a warm energy form in my head as Peter presses me hard into the kiss.

One of Peters hand in my hair the other holding my lower back, while I'm holding his neck. I pull back looking at Peter he smiles making me beam "Zero! Peter!" Brenner shouts entering the room with guards following.

Peter pushes me off him causing me to fall back a little almost losing my balance "good job today Zero," Peter rushes out of the small closet while I stand in there "Doctor? Is everything okay?" Peter asks in his professional voice.

"We have a missing guard, we interrogated all the children, they know nothing," Peter acts confused and looks back at me "oh well, we'll let you know if we find anything," Peter nods Brenner moves closer to us as I'm now standing next to Peter.

"Mhmmm, yeah definitely let us know or we'll figure it out," Brenner steps back from us walking back out the door "lessons are done, make your way to the rainbow room now Zero, Peter come to my office."

They leave the room quickly and Peter turns to me cupping my face "Shan, they will never know I made sure of it," I nod holding his hand that's on my face "I trust you," I look up innocently at the man.

Peter smirks and moves down to my lips kissing me slow and passionate "I have needed you for so long," Peter mutters leaning his forehead on mine "I have to go, be good," I look up to see the camera facing us "Peter! The camera?" I question worried.

"You seriously think I would be that stupid, they are all dud's , none of them actually work," Peter smiles before leaving the room.


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