22- In The Way

340 13 11

TW: death, gore
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That morning was filled with guilt, I told Peter I was getting sent back today, he just left with out saying a word. I don't know what's going to happen after today because my life is going to change one way or another.

I am walking with Brenner as I'm dressed in that dreadful hospital gown and my shaved head, I think Peter is up to something today as he's been with Eleven a lot.

"I have to attend to Ten's lessons, this will be goodbye," Brenner smiles pulling me into a hug and I see Ten sitting on a block playing with an eight ball through the small crack in the rainbow room door.

"Bye Papa," I smile before leaving with a guard, I see Brenner standing hands in pockets as he watches me walk away, we soon get to the gate room. I see my mother standing on the metal platform with Helen and Samuel "hi Zero," Margret speaks Helen looks at the ground.

"Hi," I say as I stand on the metal as guards put equipment on me "you can choose what age you'd like to go back as, the timeline will adjust to you," Helen says trying not to look me in the eyes "I thought you were just a nurse?" I question.

"These are my children, they have many qualifications," I feel my heart ache at those words, this women really doesn't want anything to do with me "bye Zero," Samuel answers I can tell he's hurting, they all soon leave.

I stand in front of that damn wall with my gut turning, I can't leave. Peter didn't even say goodbye, I look back to see all these government people standing beside my mother and siblings, Margret leans down to the skinny microphone "when ever your ready Zero."

I look forward again and take a deep breath before focusing on the wall, I hear the tiles cracking as the gate opens. This time there is a guard standing to the side of the opening gate, he has a taser in his pocket.

I look down at his taser briefly my arm still extending opening the gate, I then see his hand hold onto the weapon, my eye's quickly flick up to his.

I can tell he knew what was coming but it is to late as I tilt my head snapping his neck hard, as this happens I drop my arm the flesh closing behind me and I make my way up to the thin layer of glass.

I see there faces as they are shouting and rushing around, three people were just frozen in place staring at me in fear "should of listened to me," I mutter under my breath as I walk forward fast "Zero stand down or we will shoot!" some man shouts as him and others are holding up guns.

"DISABLE HER!" I hear Samuel shouting at the controls guy "I have!" the man shouts back "Zero your chips disabled stand down, there's nothing you can do," Margret's rough voice comes over the speaker "Zero hands up!" I am now close to the glass window with two groups of guards outside of the glass pointing guns at me.

I just stare forward at my mother with a dead expression, she doesn't move but looks at me confused when she see's the blood running from my nose, soon I see Helen look to the side her face changes as she witnesses the guards all dropping to the ground as I squashed there heads to the point of suffocation.

Now it is just Samuel, Helen, my mother and one other guy left in the room, I crack all the glass in one hand action as it smashes all over the control panel. The short stubby man reaches for the emergency button but I quickly snap his head causing the others to shout and cry.

"Helen why don't you tell our mother on how you didn't mange to get that chip in my neck," I say splitting the control panel in half so I can make my way over to the three that are shaking against the back wall "what have you done!" Helen cries out as I walk close to her face.

"I don't want to leave," I say calmly as my sight is filled with rage "you just killed over twenty people, because you don't want to leave?!" Samuel shouts I see the sadness in his eyes, my eyes dart over to his.

"I never did really like you.. I just remember the way you bullied Henry, then me because I liked Henry," Samuel starts shaking his head quickly "no! NO NO!" he starts shouting as I give him a ragefull look before snapping his legs "FUCK!" he screams out in pain dropping to the ground.

"My baby... Shan I'm so sorry," my mother whimpers out holding Helen in her arms "stop, you will always be in the way of me and Peter," I look at Helen's fear "he's the one turning you into a killer! Peter isn't good for you!" Margret shouts and I hold my hand forward gripping the air tight cutting off her airways.

"Don't talk like that I don't want to hear it!" I shout at her.

"Shan? Shan stop!" Helen cries out as I pull the blonde forward as she desperately grabs at her throat "your going to kill her!" Helen sobs out as she's against the wall hand over mouth "you won't be ruining things anymore," I say before closing my palm hearing the cracks of her crushed airway.

When she hits the ground the sound of Helen screaming almost wakes me up from a trance I was in, I look down to see bodies lying all around me "oh god," I mutter before looking at my sister "your evil! Just like mother always told us!" she shouts kneeling down by our mom, Samuel is fading away from consciousness from the pain.

"Helen are you going to call for help?"

I ask suddenly she looks up at me with a guilty look so I knock her back so her head slams against the wall only making her unconscious, I see that no alarms have gone off so I quickly run out of the room to find Peter.

a/n okay so that was dark sorry about that 🙂

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