19- Did It For Love

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(go look at Characters pt 2 before reading)

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It was the next day as I decided for my plan I needed to rest a lot, so now I'm dressed in the white fitting dress and black heels, my plan is going to work so well.

I haven't seen Peter since yesterday but I did briefly see him playing Chess with Eleven, I feel bad for her she has no idea what's coming.

I sit on the edge of my bed trying to find where Peter is, I close my eyes and I quickly see that he's in the training room, alone which is perfect.

I stride through these same white hallways, I was sick of the tiles the bright white lights, everything will be better when I remember, then I can focus on getting out of here with Peter.

I slowly make my way up to the metal door that leads into the black room, I push my palm on the metal the sound of it opening alerts Peter who walks over to me.

"Shan?" he pulls me by my waist and kisses me hard, I smile against his lips, as we kiss I slowly walk forward causing him to hit the black tiled wall behind him.

"What's got you in this mood?" he questions out of breath and I look into his eyes and try push the cocky look off my face "I can't live without you," I mutter and he pulls me back onto his lips.

Peter's hands run down my whole body as I hold his chest, waiting for a good opportunity. Peter keeps groaning against me as I kiss harder, until I stop pulling back roughly.

"Just know I did it for love," I say stroking my hands down his chest making sure not to look into his eyes, "hmm?" Peter hums still in a pleasured trance, I step back from Peter slowly.

Peter's eyes for a split second looked confused and alerted "Shan what are you-?" I tilt my head down and look through my eyebrows, I flinch staring at Peter pushing back hard into the wall behind him.

He smacks hard against the tile, he shouts before falling to the ground, I just stand there looking down at the man slumped on the cold ground.

I move down to Peter and sit him up against the wall, I run my thumb over his cheek before kissing his forehead.

I sit on the ground in front of him and cross my legs, I figured out that if I go into Peter's memories and experience a strong enough memory that we both shared, I'll remember everything.

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