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"I can't believe it," I say internally panicking "I told you I have it under control," Peter is holding my hand "I have to shave my head!" I shout and he rolls his eyes "Zero I'm sorry but you're going to be doing more difficult tasks, so it's necessary."

We are in a room full of other guards so we are trying our best to act like we don't even care for each other "but I will look so ugly with no hair!" I shout now sitting in a seat, the room was a small one next to the time gate room.

It is where they keep equipment ectara, the guards are all checking the equipment as Peter got asigned to shave my head, I couldn't believe I am going to have no hair.

"You will definitely not look ugly," he whispers down to my ear I try not to show emotion "all this for something I don't even want to do," I mutter and Brenner walks into the small room with a crooked smile on his face "afternoon Zero," he says kneeling down to my level.

"Hi papa," I say quiet "I hope you don't mind that we'll be treating you more like the other children now," he smiles and he grabs my hand "you will be now be staying in your old room, labeled zero and no more dresses and heels," I close my eyes for a moment holding in my anger.

I see a nurse place a hospital gown and these white slip on shoes on a table next to me "why?" I say disappointed that I'll just be another experiment again "we now have uses for your gifts," Brenner cups my flushed cheek "when we are trialing we will disable your chip," I look up at Peter who looks down at me with worry.

"I'm sorry about your hair but you'll fit right in," Brenner lets go of me leaving the room, Peter moves in front of me "I'm sorry Shan," he whispers and I sigh as I hear him start the razor, I look down to the floor to see locks of red hair fall to the ground.

I was sent to the bathroom to change into the hospital gown, I move slowly up to the mirror to see my short red hair, I hold on hand on my head and start to cry, I'm not crying because I think I look ugly, it's just my long hair represented freedom that I'm not just an experiment, Brenner let me grow it out when I was sixteen now I was back where I started.

Peter escorts me back to the gate room "your not going to leave are you?" Peter doesn't even look at me "I won't, I look horrible don't I," I laugh he looks down at me "no you just look as beautiful," I feel warm heat creep on my face.

Walking back in the gate room was scary, the room used to be plan as in was just used to study me and Peter versing each other, now it has a whole lab and control room built in with glass surrounding it, there are at least ten guards and other people in here, I see Brenner talking with a lady on a metal platform in front of where the gate was.

"Zero! Come over here," Brenner shouts and I insicly look up at Peter he lifts my chin up so I look at him "they are going to push you, see how far you can go, make sure not to show them," I nod wanting to kiss him so bad "don't kiss me," he mutters with a smile.

I nod walking over to papa and the unknown lady she has short blonde hair just about ear height, Brenner looks at me happy as the lady next to him can barely make eye contact with me, she looks really familiar.

"Zero, this is Margaret my second hand," Brenner introduces and my heart drops when I remember who she is but I'm not meant to know "hello," I stutter out with a scared tone.

"Hello Zero, I'm looking forward to see what you can do," I can tell she was hurting being in the presence of me, I can't even look at her "me too," I say with the pressure building in my eyes as I look over at Peter, he looks away quickly, my mother notices the eye contact.

"She's not still with that Peter Ballard is she?" Margaret whispers to Brenner but I over hear "no she doesn't remember anything from the past," I look away acting as if I couldn't hear.

"We want you to try and open the gate again, then let it close," Brenner speaks softly and I just nod, I watch as all the people make sure there behind the glass window, I'm left alone standing on the metal platform.

I can't see Peter anymore which left me feeling sad "okay Zero, the guard in front of you is going to hook you up," Brenner's voice comes over the speakers, I see a guard put this wire cap on my head, he then moves back behind the glass.

I look back at everyone staring at me "now Zero, we disabled your chip," I smile to myself as that chip is in my bra so it still picks up heat signals "focus on the wall, we need you to hold the gate open for five seconds," I close my eyes.

I have never purposefully opened a gate but it seems easy to me, I think about Tina, the way she died so quickly and for nothing, it was all my fault. Her sister Rebecca will never no what happened to her, Tristan is probably heart broken.

I feel a ball of energy form in me, my eyes are still closed, I raise my hand and shout as I feel the gate open in front of me, I'm going light headed but I could easily keep this gate open for a while but I remember what Peter said.

A cool air washes on my skin from the new gate.

So I stopped and opened my eyes, I see a red illuminating light on my skin, the gate is open in front of me, these flesh like tentacles wrapping themselves around each other, I look at it breathing heavy.

"Zero, you did well, step away," I walk backwards looking at the gate slowly close up, some scientists run up pass me and start taking samples, I wipe my nose on my wrist looking at my tattoo, I want to stop being treated like a weapon.

"You did well," I hear my mother say from behind me, I turn to her "thank you," is all I can say "tomorrow will be your big day," a huge bright smile is on her face.

"Big day?" I question confused.

"Yes that you will go home."

a/n I am working on doing more Peter scenes dw

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