6- After Party

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s4 ep1

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After the game I rush outside to meet Andrew but I'm more excited to see Lucas, I zip my cheer hoodie up and run over to Andrew who is play fighting with Jason.

I then knock shoulders with someone "oh hey Chrissy," I say waving and she looks back at me scared and I stop walking to watch her walk off into the crowd. I watch the back of her head I then get a quick vision of a clock.

I fall back slightly as my head hurts too, something was definitely wrong, I then have a bad feeling form in my stomach

"Carrot! Proud of us!" Andrew shouts pulling me into a hug and out of my trance "of course but where's the guy that saved the game?" I ask Jason and he points over to Lucas who's staring at some people.

I run over to him "Lucas!" I shout and another boy beats me to it "Lucas come on man!" Lucas follows him but stops to walk with me "glad you won the game, now we can celebrate happily," I say leaning onto the boy.

"Yeah your welcome," I laugh at him "Andrew talks about you a lot," Lucas adds and I farrow my eyebrows "yeah we dated but we don't anymore," I say walking over to Andrews car with Lucas.

"Oh cool," I turn to him "didn't you and Max date?" I ask and Lucas shrugs follows by him laughing "it was just a stupid middle school thing," he says not caring.

"Oh yeah I get that," I say looking up to the boy "come on guys get in!" Tina shouts and we all pile into the ute.

Eventually we pull up to Benny's Burgers people are piling out of the cars, I almost get crushed as I try to get out of the car, as Jason pushes Lucas he falls out of the car falling onto me "shit sorry!" Lucas says helping me regain my balance.

"Don't worry," I laugh as he still holds my arm "come on Shay!" Tina yells pulling me away and I look back at Lucas as he looks lost.

"So you and Sinclair?" Tina says as we walk into the abandoned shack "what I don't know, he's just really sweet," Tina gives me a look "well don't tell Andrew that he's been planning to win you back the whole day."

I look over at Andrew talking with some other boys "well I don't know if he'll be able to," I say and Tina looks impressed "what's changed?" she smiles passing me beer "hm new view on life," I say laughing "ha okay well I'm gonna find my boo, see ya."

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